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Responding to a Assasination On You


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Do you exact revenge for a hit on you? I had Elda Early-Dawn send three mercenaries at my mage (for stealing, fortunately, the tried to do it in the Windhelm college, surrounded by 4-5 mages, and they were dispatched quickly), and now I'm on a quest to end her bullying permanently. Is this normal, or am I just raging too hard on a bunch of pixels?

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Some woman named Moira sent some thugs after me as I was about to leave Riverwood. Who the hell is Moira???

You stole from Anise's cabin, the small Cabin across the River from Riverwood....Moira is a Hagraven, you could possibly meet her later depending on what Quests you do.

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I agree, usually, though I had thugs sent from that alchemist in Whiterun before every setting foot in Whiterun.

(Probably due to the alternate start mod I am using, but, still!)

The sad part is that I always have to kill those guys. I really wish I could just smack them around a bit and send them back to whoever sent them.

Call me a pacifist... :rolleyes:

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I agree, usually, though I had thugs sent from that alchemist in Whiterun before every setting foot in Whiterun.

(Probably due to the alternate start mod I am using, but, still!)

The sad part is that I always have to kill those guys. I really wish I could just smack them around a bit and send them back to whoever sent them.

Call me a pacifist... :rolleyes:

... :biggrin: ...That can be done... :biggrin: ...I rolled a Pacifist, she was an Illusionist....her specializations being Illusion, Restoration, Stealth, Speech, Alchemy, Alteration, Pick Pocket....I used a Mod to give her Illusion an extra shot in the arm.


She 'Calmed' and then Pick Pocketed a key she needed off a Bandit, stealing all his coins while she was there.... :P ....Though she got the Key and the Coins, apparently it seems he had caught her after all, he then sent Hired Thugs after her....she 'Calmed' and then Pick Pocketed them too, robbing them blind.... :biggrin: ....It left me wondering how they were going to explain that to the Bandit.... :biggrin:...The Thugs never showed up again.

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