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Using the Console to make NPCs Non-Essential question.


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Hi, I was curious about making NPCs non-essential via the console. I want to make NPCs non-essential for one of my four characters (an Orc going on a Skyrim destruction spree) and I was wondering if any console commands I input on that character affect the others?


Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.



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Thanks, but I already know how to make the NPCs non-essential, I was wondering if doing that via the console made the NPC (ex. - Maven Black Briar) non-essential for ALL my characters and not just the one character I used the console with.

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  • 2 months later...

Randomly checking that I did put in the right cc, @ Twilightfallen, depends if going to console an disable/enable isn't fixing it,try:


...on the other hand if your using Requiem and can't understand why your awesomesauce sword is doing zero damage to ice wraiths, don't feel bad I console removed hundreds before I noticed Serana roasting them away...

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