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Melee Mod Idea


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Hi I'm new so if this breaks a rule I apologize I don't think it does just not as technical.


Really I would just like to see a melee combat mod that makes hand to hand and melee combat able to stand up to guns. Even if melee weapons are over powered they cannot out match the quickness of an npc firing a gun.


I believe the mechanics to make this happen are already in the game somewhere. I think it is just a matter of someone with the know how putting it together. Wheather the weapons or the movement and abilities of the character change.


Just to give an idea...

my end vision is in an open field your character can get past an automatic rifle from like 100 yards away without taking even one or two shots.





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Ah grasshopper, there is an ancient saying: "All the martial arts in the world are no match for a .45 from surprise."


The reason melee can't stand up to guns is, well, it can't. Guns are freakin' lethal. And from 100 yards the worst shots I served with in the Army are going to hit you at least once. A Marine would turn you into swiss cheese.


If I want a melee fix I play Skyrim. Fallout 4 is for shooting Gunners in the face.

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