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[LE] My flora mod has a huge problem

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I thought I found a way to turn ingredients into respawning flora by editing the coinbagsmall nif. It seemed to work. You can harvest it and it disappears, go away for 10 days and come back and it is back and can be re-harvested. So I thought great everything is working. The problem is if you save at that point after harvesting and waiting, then close the game and reload the save the custom flora is gone again as though it was harvested still.


If you harvest these they change to their harvested appearance. If you wait 10 days they go back to their pre-harvest appearance. If you save at that point even if the camera is pointing at the flora so your save picture shows the unharvested flora, Once you reload that save the flora are all harvested again. I can not understand why or how to fix this.


Please, can anyone say what is causing this and how I can fix it?


The mod is GD Clutter As Flora at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)


The method I used is:


1. Open coinbagsmall with Nifskope then in the Block List
expand BSFadeNode
expand bhkCollisionObject
expand NiSwitchNode
expand the two NiNodes below the NiSwitchNode
2. Open giantstoe then in the Block List
expand BSFadeNode
select the NiTriShape (the Giant's Toe) - R Click - Block - Copy Branch
close giantstoe. Don't save.
3.In coinbagsmall
R Click top NiNode below the NiSwitchNode
Block - Paste Branch (On the NiNode, not below it)
There will be 2 NiTriShapes in that NiNode now
R Click the Origional NiTriShape (the coin bag) - Block - Remove Branch
4. Now change some settings
In Block List select BSFadeNode then in Block Details
R Click Value column on Name line and Edit String Index to GiantsToe
In Block List select NiSwitchNode then in Block Details
R Click Value Column on Name Line and Edit String Index to SwitchNode
In Block List select the NitriShape under the top NiNode then in Block Details
R Click the Name line and Edit String Index to Toe
{I understand its important to have unique names for each block to prevent crashes}
In Block list select the NitriShape in the lower NiNode (Invisible Marker)
R Click - transform - Edit - change scale value to .5
(Probably not needed but I prefer it smaller)
5. Now to make it a Static object
expand bhkCollisionObject in Block List
Select bhkRigidBody. With that highlighted go down to it's Block Details
A. Expand Havok Col Filter
Double Click Layer line, using the drop down change value from Clutter to Static
B. Scroll down and expand Havok Col Filter Copy
Double Click Layer line and change value from Clutter to Static.
C. Scroll down to Motion System, double click and change value
D. Scroll down and Change Solver Deactivation from
E. Scroll down and Change Quality Type from
6. Now to clean up and save
In the menu bar at the top
Spells - Optimize - Remove Unused Strings
If Nif vanishes, repeat this step
Spells - Optimize - Remove Bogus Nodes (Just in case)
Spells - Sanitize - Reorder Blocks
Spells - Sanitize - Check Links (Just in Case)
File - Save As - GiantToeFlora in meshes
Now just make a new flora in the CK and edit the mesh path to this nif.
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Hmmm. Wild guess here but I would assume flora has it's own category within the game. With it's own triggers. You may have missed one simple switch/setting.
I've seen other growing plants made by mod makers and they always seem to be pulling data from a hidden source or scripted actions.

But, I myself really have never tried to do this. so ... My 1st step would be to take a look at how others have done it.

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