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It's been a long...five years


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Hello everyone. I'm an old member that just recently rejoined, and with the help of Buddha I was able to liberate my old account that sat vacant for many years. I'd like to begin with my "re-introduction" by stating that this was the first forum I had ever joined up on, at the young age of ELEVEN, after googling "Morrowind" for help with my game, which I had played exclusively on the Xbox.


In my time here I had learned the importance of good grammar, and there's just something of sentimental value here that has me back, and that's the nostalgia of simply being in this place that makes me feel at home. In the past five years I have continued to use the internet as avidly as I did as an eleven year old boy, I moved on from Morrowind and soon became immersed into the 'Garrysmod roleplaying community.' Of course I've been involved with other things online, but that community would soon define the term "E-Drama" for me, it became quite unbearable, as well.


I had worked on several mods in the Morrowind modding scene a couple years ago with a friend I actually made through here, some might remember a guy named "Kissimurra," I'm still trying to coax him into coming back to this community.


Anyways, I'm not really sure why I'm writing this, or if anyone will even read this and recognise my old forum names which were "Sludgewort and CrazyGilbert" It's been a damn long time since I was last here, and I hope that I will stay and continue to be active. I've spoken to Malchik, and it's great to hear that he's still around. I'm crossing my fingers that Peregrine had the poor luck to get run over by a streetcar, he always was an asshole, but that's a different story for a different day, I suppose.




-Sam Cooley.

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Welcome back i hope you injoy your stay.


The good old tessource days, those where the days.

They definetely were the best of the days, I'm sure the Elder Scrolls Community will always hold strong though, although being nostalgic never heard anyone.


Anyways, I see that you've got a PS3, I do too. Just a few months ago I bought an 32'' Samsung HD for my room, to compliment the PS3, naturally.. Add me: Dr-Cooley

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Welcome back, Camonna. I too haven't really been around since TES Source days. I believe I went by Baraka then, at least that was my name in the great Role Play Game. Now my name most everywhere is simply Ibis. Hope you'll stick around for awhile.
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