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Dystopian Degradation


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I could say something myself, but the article above pretty much summed up my thoughts. How these guys are limiting freedom and laughing at our pockets (figuratively) is really saddening since they get their way with the masses eventually, while this whole kinect 2 idea reminds me of Big Brother from george orwell's 1984. I am really losing faith in the AAA industry and am thinking of solely buying mobile or indie games.


Oh and I am not from Microsoft PR.

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While the spirit of the message (RPS) is one I agree with, it doesn't matter much to me since I have no intention of ever buying an Xbox, playing CoD, or using an Xbox to watch TV. The fact that they have to resort to these gimmicks is probably a hint that Xbox isn't doing so hot. Nintendo isn't either... So may be a sign of some changes on the horizon.

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These gimmicks remind me of the same gimmicks used in 1990s when Microsoft actually had an idea about what they are doing (that is bringing everything to the living room), and even what they are doing has little meaning in the age of multitaskers and mobile users, it's an idea from an earlier era, just like how they are not allowing self publication for indie devs. These morons are stuck in 1990s and probably still think creating a platform that your rivals have no access to and further isolating it in a closed ecosystem is a revolutionary profit maker. 8 exclusive titles my foot.
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8 exclusive titles my foot.

Well, Xbox really only maintains its market recognition for Halo. Making CoD exclusive would likely just kill that franchise outright given the number of other games out there that have nearly identical gameplay and multiplayer. Let's be honest here, there is nothing that really sets CoD apart from many of the clones beyond slightly better production and a rabid fanbase. Adding a dog (an element which will most likely be a hindrance in online play given the twitch fire basis for combat) makes you wonder what box the game's producers (or whatever planning committee) has been living in a box since the 90's and is unaware of people mostly ignoring the campaign mode beyond the first few missions just to get a feel for the game. When I saw this:


I literally facepalmed at how they tried to make it some sort of key selling point. A feature that nobody wanted, needed, but had so much effort made towards adding it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know I'm just wondering, Microsoft must of realised how bad an idea this was. I mean your one of the largest corporations in the world, you build a system for gamers and then turn around and say: you can't share games with out paying a fee for a product you already bought. That goes way beyond what dlc does. Then you get locked out of your own system, that you paid at least four hundred Euros for, after twenty four hours of no Internet Connection. Broadband Internet connection is required. Not everyone lives in New York City were the internet is always on, and the connection is atleast halfway decent. No renting, no loaning. No private sales unless your selling to someone who has been on your friends list for thirty days. One hour DRM if you bring your game to a friends house. Trade-ins are up to the publisher and only at participating retailers.


I'm just curious, but who, up at Microsoft thought any of this was a good idea.

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Hardware-spot on mate, the 'net here(melbourne) is about as reliable as the weather, literally. During particularly heavy rain some of the Pits can flood, causing total outages for a couple of hours. I don't really trust my connection; STEAM's about as close to purely online as I'm willing to risk, since during the winter months, it's not unheard of to get heavy rain, uninterrupted, for days or even weeks at a time.

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I'm just curious, but who, up at Microsoft thought any of this was a good idea.


Steve Bailmer, Microsoft CEO. They should really bring someone who isn't a numbers man

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