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DLC mod question!


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What I'm doing is-


I am beginning my own massive Skyrim Overhaul.


Mostly for myself, but assuming it's any good, I would love for others to enjoy it.


Currently I'm experimenting, seeing what works, for when I begin the "real project"


I'm a newb, so it's best I try each piece separately.




What I want to know is-


How do I make my overhaul include all DLC?


Currently, I know how to load the main Skyrim Data, and begin work from there. If I choose any of the DLC master files, it won't open.


Do I just work from vanilla file, and then patch it later? Or should I really be loading DLC files, before I even begin the actual mod? If so, how?




I hope to get some feedback, because I want to begin the main files soon!


Peace! and TYVM.





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By default, you can only load either Dawnguard, Hearthfire, or Dragonborn data into the CK, but not all at the same time. To load multiple masters, in SkyrimEditor.ini, add bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 under the [General] heading


Attempting to load Dawnguard, Hearthfire, or Dragonborn crashes the Creation Kit.

  • Edit SkyrimEditor.ini in the main Skyrim folder and find the value SResourceArchiveList2. Add Dawnguard.bsa, HearthFires.bsa, and/or Dragonborn.bsa to the list of files (e.g., SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa)




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*scratch that*


Sjogga beat me to it. Didn't know that the CK wiki actually had that information now....


As far as doing your overhaul...

If you want it to be compatible with & without DLCs then you need to make a version for each combination that you want to support. Some people will make the non-dlc version first then add in the dlc masters and go from there. However, some care should be taken since in the CK you won't see any changes made by DLCs to non-dlc records if you've already edited them. You may wish to do a record comparison with TES5Edit after doing a non-dlc overhaul to see if the dlcs change any of the records that you've modified. If they do then you'll need to remove those records and redo them with said dlc as a master.

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Thank you guys for responding!


For me, simpler is better.


I do want it to work with all DLC.


I own all DLC, and I suppose if others want to enjoy my mod, they will need it also.


So, that being said,


You are saying, that if I follow the instructions above, that I will be able to check all four master files, and begin work on a single file, wham bam, .... just like that?


And if so, perhaps you could take the above instructions, and translate it into caveman speak for me?


Once again, thank you guys!

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caveman speak? maybe I should have kept typing then instead of scratching it out.... :P



Edit SkyrimEditor.ini OR Create SkyrimEditorCustom.ini

-- both would be located in the main Skyrim directory

-- Creating the SkyrimEditorCustom.ini is beneficial as it would retain your changes and not be wiped with each verification or update of the Creation Kit files


Add or modify the following as necessary


SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa

bAllowMultipleEditors allows you to have more than one instance of the CK open. I find it useful sometimes. You don't need to set it, but might as well since you'll be in the neighborhood


bAllowMultipleMasterLoads isn't in the file by default it must be added. This is the line that allows you to load more ESMs than just Skyrim & Update.


SResourceArchiveList2 You must add official DLC BSA files to this line or the CK will still not work. You do not need to add mod BSA files to this list tho sometimes it is helpful if you want said mods mesh, texture and other data to load for non-editing purposes. I, personally, do not own the latest DLC so it is not listed in my example above.


On a side note:

DLC scripts require that you move the source scripts up into the main source directory rather than keeping them in their separate source folders. Some scripts are modified stock scripts and a simple copy/paste would overwrite them. I find it better to copy the DLC source scripts to a clean directory structure similar to the game setup. Then I create an archive that I can install with NMM thereby allowing NMM to backup and restore any script versions that may have otherwise been overwritten.


As far as working with the DLC for your overhaul, since you want to work with all of them only, after doing the above and starting the Creation Kit merely check all the DLC when you go to select your data files. Since they all require Skyrim.esm and some require Update.esm those two will be automatically loaded despite not actually checking them.


Hopefully that gives you a clearer picture of what to do to work with multiple master files.

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As it's connected to the OP's question: how do I create world LODs from DLC objects (p.e. cliffs, buildings, etc.)? Right now, I constantly get the message that some dds files are missing.

I know nothing about LODs. But if you can locate the DDS files that are supposed to be missing inside one of the BSA files, you can try extracting them and placing them inside the game directory. That may allow it to function without any messages.

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LOL as far as Caveman speak goes,


I know so little about modding, and techy stuff in general.

I'm just a little smarter than your average bear, and have nothing but free time.


So basically, the small bit of CK I do understand, I pick up some lingo, and almost sound knowledgeable.


But it's a farce! lol


However I do see in time, myself getting real good at this stuff. So tyvm for you guys help!


I am currently reading above info, and going to do it up.


I'm feeling ready to begin my main files!

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Well, I think it sounds simple, but I cannot find SkyrimEditor.ini


I'm assuming it is a notepad type file, that I just add the lines to right?


If I type ".ini" in the search box it finds some of these notepad type files for SKyrim








But nothing called SkyrimEditor.ini



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Have you downloaded the Creation Kit from Steam and have started it at least once? I could be mistaken but I think that the file may not appear till you've started the program the first time.


You should have two INI files for the Creation Kit. SkyrimEditor.ini & SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini

Normally these are located in your main Skyrim directory, however if you installed the Creation Kit for some reason to a different location then they would be there instead.

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