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Evil Mods?


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I was looking around for mods that best suite evil characters and i'm now looking for community suggestions. I love playing as a necromancer/dark brotherhood character.


I have Bigger Badder Lich King, the death knight mod, PsiKotics necromancer mod, The Black Hand Embassy mod.


Any others that you suggest?



Thanks in advance!

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In my opinion, there are so many great mods, its more personal preference. There is just too many to try them all.


Search in the mods by category, and order them by either total DLs, or most endorsed, and just look at the pictures.


most quality mods, also have a quality cover photo, and description.


For "Evil" oh boy, I would say about a million mods might suit you.

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ermegash, wellllll


I am more into gameplay overhaul, than actual items.


First, are u PC, or Console?


PC has ways to do more, so hopefully you run a PC. ( im not sure about console, im only a pc user)


For example, basic Skyrim mods, have few, but some limits. The size of the file I believe, as well, as some of the interface, is set in stone.


However, there is a program (no clue how it works) that you download called SKSE, (that comes from a shady looking webpage silverlight.org) that itself does nothing, but you manually add a few files from it to your Skyrim data, and now mods that would otherwise be "too big" or effect some god file, that was previously untouchable, will work.


I suggest first, you look into a list of things.


1) SKSE - from sliverlight.org (not a simple mod you turn on, you must actually read instructions, but I promise it is caveman friendly)


2) Next I like - "Better Females by Bella" This is just a "neck up" face mod makes girls pretty.


3) body options for women, and I think one good male body option.


Female options are "UNP", which has a nice slim female body, with cleaned up skin.


The other option is "CBBE" which has more options, including a similar slim look, or a full blown bombshell with T&A for DAAAAYYYYSSSS.


I have both, and I find some armor mods, are set for one body mod. So this option, may have gear considerations. I like girls with the massive boom boom, but some of my fave armor mods, only support UNP, which is more slim. Just keep this in mind.


As far as male mods, although I'm more into gazing at girls, I did see some mods, that make men more sexy, and add a wang.


4) damn, there is sooooo many mods, this list could go forever.





Basicly, once you get the SKSE, the sky is the limit.


Some of the biggest, best, and most complete mods, require it.


So get that hooked up, and maybe later Ill have some better suggestions for you.




PS PLEASE go read my threads, and respond.


I'm making an overhaul, and nobody has given any ideas yet.



Edited by Oracleofmoons
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Can't play 'evil' myself, but my Dovahkin has found some rather creative ways to kill people... :biggrin:


Wanna Slit Throats and much more?....Have a look at this...Sneak Tools...:




Wanna rip someones still beating heart out of their chest?....Try this....Heart breaker...:




Wanna just be a straight up SoB?.....Use this then slit their throats anyway....Mercy....:




Have never used this Mod myself....but it looks good and maybe of interest to you....Demon Form...:




Hows your diet?....My Werewolf thrives on this diet, but his a born Werewolf, not human, he eats them raw....And Evil Human, Elf, etc...may relish this.....Realistic Loot Lite...:




Or an alternate diet plus trophies here....Souvenir Heads and Useful Remains....:




Looking for a Home?....This Mod has been around and very popular for quite a while....may be something your looking for....Evil Lair of Hydra....:




Hoping I have been of some help....Good luck with your game.... :happy:

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Medusa drakul armor

Evil mastermind

Daedric lord armor


Check natterforme, zerofrost and newermind. I remember than making good evil armors.


Necromancy fx


If you use dread knight set then Get reapers dread arrows. He also does reapers dark tower or something which is a cool house for an evil character.


I'm not at the computer ATM so I can't give too many suggestions but if you find something you like, check what else that author has made

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