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Non Skimpy Formal Dresses and Ballgowns


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Hey y'all!


I would like to request a mod that adds formal dresses and fancy ballgowns that can be built in-game, maybe at the chemstation? Skyrim seems to have alot of really pretty dress/gown/robe options but idk how to port them for fo4. There's alot of super skimpy and mega short dress mods for fo4, but I am looking for something a little more classic. Though I will say I am a fan of a little bit of chest/cleavage, if that makes a difference. I would like to have some more options for (mostly) appropriate attire for something like a masquerade or a royal setting or even something that would look nice if my characters were walking down the red carpet. I would love to see some wedding dress options.

I know how to replace textures for clothing but that's about as far as I have gotten in learning how to do my own clothing mods. I love having extra texture slots when possible so I can kind of design colors and textures for existing pieces. And I can do body conversions. I use FG so I have gotten used to converting clothes from vanilla and CBBE. I am not very adept with modding otherwise. Even if they can't be built in game and I need to acquire them by item code, that would still make me very very very excited.


I am sure that what I am asking for is not that easy. Or maybe it is. I don't really know :) WIth that being said, I would like to say that I am happy to collaborate and do whatever I can to make this easier and smoother. I would also understand if no one would want to take on something like this. I would also be happy to accept explanations of how I can do this myself. I have looked at a few tutorials but I don't understand them very welll yet. i would love some help if that can be offered. I am happy to take whatever y'all can help me with. If anyone is willing to take this on, I definitely have some inspiration to be used! Most of it is from Skyrim. If anyone knows how to port clothes from skyrim to fo4, this might be useful. i am definitely open to other designs. I do *not* expect someone to convert every link I have posted. These are just for inspiration.

























Thank y'all for your time!



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Bethesda, sadly, doesn't allow conversion between their own games.

But I would absolutely love a desktop program that automated it for those of us without the skills.


Choose the apparel/weapon/furniture in the program from games you have installed (Skyrim SE/Fallout 76) and the program merges the output as one mod.

Later additions edit and remerge this one mod.

Things then show in Chems Utility or Furniture Misc.


A workaround similar to Tale of Two Wastelands.


On a loosely related note I really want the Space Core from Fall of the Space Core as a unique Eyebot.

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Well damn. That sucks that there's no actual conversion for this kind of thing. I figured there really might not be. But at least the links might serve as some inspiration for anyone who comes along and wants to make pretty dresses. I figure that not alot of people are gonna wanna try it. But I would love to see whatever anyone came up with, even if it's not converting the above links into fo4 clothes :) I am working on retextures for pretty much every available fo4 dress mod I have been able to find. I actually figured out how to retexture teh Vtaw Lady Dimitrescu

dresses! I am super proud of it. I'll post some screenshots in another reply. What is a Space Core? I've never played Fall of the Space Core. How is it?

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It's an official Valve-Bethesda crossover mod bringing a Portal character to celebrate bringing Skyrim to Steam.

And being official, legally, no one can bring it to Special Edition or Fallout 4.

There was also meant to be a part 2 that never materialised and some code in part one suggested it would be a small misc side quest.

Almost surprised it wasn't revived for Creation Club.

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Well, you can port stuff for your own personal use, you just can't publish it ...

(Because who cares what you do on your own on your own PC, behind closed doors ...)


Porting mods might be OK as long as the mod authors are OK with it (and as long as it doesn't use any textures and meshes from other games, like already said).



And yes, I agree, we need more "non-sexy" clothing for FO4!

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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Yeah to be honest I don't know *alot* about porting or modding or it's restrictions as far as pblishing, so I just don't really do it. But also, idk how lol. I am retexturing alot of the clothes mods I do have downloaded but I don't think I am going to publish them as a separate mod cause idk if I should. I really just want more base dresses and material swap options that I can shove my own materials and textures into. I need more canvases lol.

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  On 5/18/2021 at 1:22 AM, ImmortalAbsol said:

I wish tools existed to make it easy enough for me.

DM me with Dovahcore port haha.

Dude it really is hard af. The worst part is that I am sure I can learn to do it. I just don't have the patience to get up every day and learn. I havd learned *alot* in the past year since getting fo4 for pc. But it's so hard, dude. Well, not even that it's hard. It's long. It's long, tedious and the interfaces for doing it are not very... friendly. The programs used can be a little exhausting to even look at, I swear. I just want a couple of ballgowns/dresses. I should proibably just work on porting them myself but I know it will take at least a couple of weeks or even months to learn how to do that before I even figure out how to make it available in-game and it's just *alot*. I am only retexturing stuff right now and it's still alot. It's fun, but it's *aloooooot*. I really am hoping someone wil show up who can throw me a bone in the form of even a base dress that i don't have to port myself. The Dimitrescu dress has been amazing. That one dress has about 30 unused texture swap slots I just filled in. I am trying to learn how to make in-game texture switch slots but even that has been a tedious undertaking.


I havce downloaded every available dress and gown mod on the nexus forums for both armor and clothing categories and I am at least going to fill my time for a little while retexturing those for myself :)

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