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Will These System Specs Run Skyrim Well?


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Sounds like a good deal at 450 pounds (I did the conversion to dollars). The 7770 is a good card. Play on High Quality, Turn off Arthroscopic Filtering and set AA to 8 samples unless you are using an ENB, in that case turn AA off.

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Sounds like a good deal at 450 pounds (I did the conversion to dollars). The 7770 is a good card. Play on High Quality, Turn off Arthroscopic Filtering and set AA to 8 samples unless you are using an ENB, in that case turn AA off.

Will do! And thanks again for the help!

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Your card and CPU will play the games you want well. Like rhowington said, you can play those games on high. Like he said, when you go into graphics settings, adjust the AF and AA to what he recommended.

I'm not sure how well your system will run HD texture packs from the nexus, but make sure to at least get the official HD texture packs from Bethesda. They aren't great like some of the very high resolution texture packs, but it'll be better than Vanilla Skyrim (a term meaning basic, unmodded Skyrim) and your system should be able to run Skyrim with the Bethesda HD texture packs very well.

Before modding Skyrim, you might wanna seek info about modding Skyrim on these boards. The thing with mods is they are great but if you are new to it and don't really know what you are doing, you can make costly mistakes which might result in things like corrupted saves and an unstable and buggy game. Look around the boards for threads discussing modding guidelines and threads where people inquire about modding and don't be afraid to make a thread or some threads to help you understand some do's and don'ts of modding. Also, use the NMM (Nexus Mod Manager). Most mods on the nexus use the NMM. It makes installing and uninstalling mods a cinch. Another thing, look into something called load order. You can adjust the load order of mods via Steam or the NMM.

To give you some info about load order, let us say you go to arrange load order in NMM. Certain mods will show up on the list with a check box next to it. To note, not every single mod will show up on the list, for some the load order is an irrelevant thing. The ones that do show up, you can adjust their position on the list and check and uncheck the boxes. Things higher up in the list load first. Load order is about how mods are loaded when Skyrim, as a program, is initiated. Load order is important because a correct load order will mean things are more likely to run smoothly.

Now, to make your life easier, you could use programs like BOSS and Wyre Bash. Okay, I don't know much about these programs. In fact, I should use a program that correctly sets load order myself. Could someone here tell the OP a bit about Wyre Bash and BOSS and how they help with load order?

Edited by Dubnoman
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