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Who doesn't care about the CW?


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I mean, seriously, who? I know for sure I'll never get involved. Why? Neither side appeals to me.


Both sides are biased, anyway. One side, you got a bunch of ultranationalists whose supporting jarls act like religious fanatics and are all about ''true Nord'' bullcrap, which is likely they'll end up kick everyone that isn't a Nord out of Skyrim. On the others, you got a crumbling Empire in which the only reason why it's still standing is that there's a truce between them and the elves.

So, long story short? Don't bother, let them kill each other.

I mean, storyline-wise, it's just bland, bordering on excuse plot territory to include large-scale battles. Because after all, this will be rendered moot for some reason like:

1) The current timeline ended (you're the Last Dragonborn, after all);

2) The Thalmor made a suprise attack on Windhelm/Solitude while the main Imperial/Stormcloak forces are besieging the enemy city;

After all, why bother doing a story when you know it's point has been rendered moot because of some random event, anyway?

Edited by AfroGamerNinja
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I actually do not think either side in the CW was made to be appealing to anyone. For every pro there is a con, regardless of which side one looks at.


I really wonder what the game developers were thinking in including the civil war. It isn't very logical and has absolutely no impact on anything in the game and effects nothing. It just is. Worst of all there is no end or clear conclusion. Regardless of what side wins based upon the players choice, the opposite leader is killed and then...... nothing. One is left hanging as to what happens next.

Was there supposed to be something more or was it just an idea that got started on but never finished and they threw it in the game anyway just because it was something that had been worked on and was too late to throw it away, but also too late to finish?

I'd like to know what the CW adds to the overall story, or game other than a rather silly series of quests.


I do like how it was developed, at least as far as it goes, as it is hugely emotional, but without a clear logical or reasonable means to make a decision as to which side one should choose.

There are those who are emotionally caught up in being deeply in love with the Stormcloaks and particularly Ulfric and cannot bear to see any criticism of them whatsoever. They are emotionally tied to the charismatic rebels struggling against oppression.

Others seem to find strong emotional ties identifying with the sense of honor and duty of the Imperials and are offended that anyone would not see the justice and righteousness of an Imperial Empire and its strength and glory.


One can clearly see the emotional angst within the various debates. The selective and subjective interpretations and the fantasy day dreaming of what one action or another or even the future holds depending on side chosen I find to be much more entertaining than actually playing the CW.


Played once as an Imperial and once as a Stormcloak. Neither was particularly fun and neither side winning made much sense to the game and I'm just glad it can be ignored and the game goes on in a much more interesting and fun fashion without it.

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Too much thinking about the future, and what people might want.


I think this Civil War quest was one that the pie-in-the-sky idea guys came up with, while all the actual devs rolled their eyes and put it off (obviously hoping they could just cut it rather than be forced to work on it). Then, when the idiot idea guys demanded that they finish the Civil War quest (because it's oh so important), the devs basically half-assed their way through it.


It isn't fun. It isn't involving. It makes no sense. It's just a classic case of a bad idea being shoved through despite being an obviously bad idea.

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Bah. If you roleplay, it's no problem; take over a fort, recruit various NPCs as soldiers, then raid the cities and forts for loot. Essentially, start a third faction. Always fun.


I'd only recommend doing this as an end-game scenario, though.

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The problem with making CW an end-game scenario is you definitely can't then play the Dark Brotherhood (or you'll find yourself asking WTF half the time). Seems like the DB was written back in 2006 (or maybe earlier) and the CW was written in 2010.

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Bah. If you roleplay, it's no problem; take over a fort, recruit various NPCs as soldiers, then raid the cities and forts for loot. Essentially, start a third faction. Always fun.


I'd only recommend doing this as an end-game scenario, though.


You have me wondering what role playing you are suggesting and particularly to what end? I'm not exactly sure what you are suggesting, other than one can go about with no particular reason or purpose other than to kill and loot. While this isn't exactly my idea of role play or "fun", if it's fun for you then please feel free to play as you like, but I don't see what the role play is in doing something for no specific reason or purpose other than doing it, and particularly in doing it over and over again.


As for an end game play; by the time I've finished off the main quest and a few guild quests I have more money than I can possibly spend and more items and equipment on display than anyone would reasonably want or need, so killing and looting just for the sake of killing and looting doesn't have much appeal as a role playing option.

In doing or following the CW quest line, there is nothing worthwhile looting in the ruins (Jagged Crown quest) and even less worthwhile looting in the forts, so I'm not sure exactly what the reason would be or even what one accomplishes in raiding them, other than just to go killing.

As for raiding cities, again, that seems like just more killing and looting for no specific reason other than just doing it, so perhaps you could explain the role play you see.


As for recruiting companions, I guess if one finds fun in hearing the same conversation over and over and over as well as having someone constantly getting in the way, getting stuck or lost and attacking or being attacked when you least need or want it, then I suppose that has its level of "fun" for some as well, but it's not something I find particularly attractive or fun.


If you have some insight as to what the CW adds to the game or what purpose it serves to the storyline, I would be interested in hearing it as the CW makes no sense to me other than a series of quests that appear to be thrown into the game without any specific connection to the overall game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fight in Civil War only one time with CWO mod and i like it,unfortunately my progress was stooped by bug in Whiterun.

Its really hard to pick side in CW because Imperials and Stormcloack are good guys and both have right.

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