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Intro and chargen problem


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Hi, I'm here 'cause I found no fix for my problem on the web and I can't seem to come up with a solution by myself.


A while ago I had a heavily modded Skyrim, which worked just fine, but there were really to much mods and things were starting to get out of hand, so I decided to make a clean install and start anew.

So I uninstalled the game and deleted everything that could be related to Skyrim from my pc and installed it again from Steam, as usual.

I started a new game, titles, carriages going down the slope. Then both tha carriages and the horses started to go crazy, flipping over, jumping all over the place, overlapping and stuff. When I finally got to the chargen part, everything seemed to be working fine despite that ridiculous glitch. I tried to change race and bam: black faces everywhere. I tried to change skin color, and it does work, but there's always a visible neckseam, and the head color seems to go random. Even other stuff like lips colors and warpaint don't work well at all. If I try to change warpaint, well, it doesn't change at all, and when it does I have no control over which painting it'll select.

Since then I tried uninstalling and installing again three times, and everytime it's the same, with no mods and expansions whatsoever. I even updated my drivers and restored the system, to no avail.

I'm starting to lose hopes here, any help?

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Delete your Skyrim.INI & SkyrimPrefs.INI from the Documents > My Games > Skyrim directory.

Start Skyrim from Steam

Let it detect your video settings & rebuild the INI files

Play a new game

See what happens


If it still happens, try lowering your graphic settings from the Options menu in the Skyrim launcher.


If it still happens... no clue.

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Already tried to, unsuccessfully I fear.

I doubt it has anything to do with my pc either, since it's a nice machine, and I never had any problems running even the heaviest mods around.

I appreciate your help though, thank you.

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This is most often caused by too many hair, eye, etc mods. I don't know much about the issue since I don't use those, but I think there are some workarounds. Just google for Skyrim chargen memory problems. Or disable those mods temporarily to see if they are really the problem.

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Alredy did, when I had lots of hair mods installed I used the precache killer, and it worked fine, but now I have no mods at all. They're not only deactivated, I completely deleted every single mod even from NMM and there's no trace of them in the C:\...\Skyrim folder, since I deleted that folder as well before installing.

Just to be sure, I tried to download and apply the fix, but of course it didn't have any effect.


edit: Ok, I installed the latest skse and now everything is just as it should be, so we could say my issue is no more.

I still don't get why I had it in the first place though.

Edited by Filomitos
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oooo It happened the same thing to me as I wanted to move Steam on another hard disk due to storage capacity. after reaching 98 Gb side files. Now I am stuck in Helgen just after the Inn and continuesly is crashing :(


Have checked everything with Wrye, NMM, Boss. but they havent found anything as I dont have any mods saves :(

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