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Now, I understand how disheartening such a "failure" is, but I think I speak for everyone in this community when I say that we are all incredibly thankful of your hard work and proud to be part of a community website ran by such hard-working and devoted people.


I have no doubt that you will find a solution one way or another and we will be the better for it. I will add for myself that I have been quite content with your work and am quite capable of waiting as long as you need to see this through, especially if it were possible for you to save yourself several thoursand pounds. I am confident your abilities as a webmaster!


Very best of luck!

Edited by Northborn
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If there was ever a service I'd be willing to donate a few bucks to, then it is certainly the nexus. The amount of mods for a good handfull of games I've found, downloaded and discussed over the years certainly goes into the high hundreds. ^^


If you need the money, I'd say ask for a big donation. I bet people will flock to your side in order to support you. :)



PS: And I bet there are some capable professionals among your fans who would even be willing to help you for free. I betcha! :D

Edited by Salah-ad Din
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In response to post #8161538. #8161556, #8161590, #8161595, #8161702 are all replies on the same post.

I know that feel. I've seen more customer upgrades go bad than I care to count. I'm a netsec guy, but if I was a db/clustering specialist I'd be happy to help. What I can say in general is building a replica of your environment out in VMWare can be quite illustrative of the issues you'll face going to production. It seems like you've already bought some beefy servers. Try putting ESXi on one or two and build out the proposed design. When you have some time to look at it and analyze things, you may find the solution on your own. I also have some free technet incidents I could open on behalf of the nexus if that'd help. At least that's assuming your solution is MS based.
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