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[LE] Activator prompt

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Is there a way with a single activator object to have separate references of it give different prompts when your mouse is on it? Instead of making a separate activator object for each different prompt you want it to say. It seems so redundant when everything but the prompt you want is the same.

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Well, you could create a quest and put all those activators on their own 'Alias' and change each of their prompts.

But duplicating the activator as dylbill suggested is way cheaper (in processing level) than voluntarily causing yourself a nasty headache with a bunch of 'Alias'.

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Thanks Maxarturo. You always give good advice. Too bad the system can't use the reference name instead of the object name for things like that. How did you learn so much about what goes on under the hood so to speak? I don't really know what I'm doing it's just trial and error, a lot of error, until I find something that seems to work.


Another question, would making static activators using nifskope cut down on processing with the disadvantage of increasing mod size VS making statics in the CK with an activator linked to them? If you have a lot of them, most with only a single use.

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Except the usual "trial and error", i've been modding and playing around with the 'Unreal Engine' since the first 'Unreal Game' was released back in the early 90, i've seen from first hand all the game's engine evolution...

"would making static activators using nifskope cut down on processing"

No, it's the same thing.

"VS making statics in the CK with an activator linked to them?"

If you mean creating 'Trigger Boxes' as activators around the statics, then the answer is that:

It depends on what you want to do, this approach has its advantages and disadvantages.

But unless you intend on making thousands of those activators in one cell, then there isn't too much of a problem.

I've some cells that contain up to 250 of those 'Trigger Boxes Activators' and it does not affect in any way the loading of the cell or the weight of it. (Well... it does but it's rudimentary).

Just be sure that none of them have their rotation set to 'Absolute Numbers' to avoid the stupid issue of not been activatable.

* With the same process that you make a 'Static' you can make an 'Activator' with that nif directly in CK.

Have a happy modding.

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I tried the last suggestion with creating activators in the CK, the problem was most of the objects were ingredients and misc items and I wanted the items fixed in place and not takeable. I tried using scripts on them to fix them in place but a fireball blew them away so statics with a linked activator seems the best way.

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Another option, if you really don't want to duplicate the activator forms, is to keep the prompt blank and add a script to the object reference that changes the name using SKSE. But again this I think would be taking up script processing when it doesn't need to. But example script would be:


Scriptname SetPromptNameScript extends ObjectReference

String Property Prompt Auto ;set in the CK

Event OnInit()
    Self.SetDisplayName(Self.GetDisplayName() + "\n" + Prompt)

Event OnLoad() 
    String Name = Self.GetDisplayName() 
    If StringUtil.Find(Name, Prompt) == -1 ;is the prompt not in the name? 
        Self.SetDisplayName(Self.GetDisplayName() + "\n" + Prompt)

You may also have to check and set the name OnPlayerLoadGame() because according to the wiki OnLoad() doesn't fire reliably after the player loads a save.


EDIT: I just realized it should be the other way around:

Self.SetDisplayName(Prompt + "\n" + Self.GetDisplayName())
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Aaa... Havok sensitive objects, yes then, you will have to make them static outside CK.

Although making statics directly in CK does work for some type of objects, but in others not... weird s***....

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I didn't know that making statics in the CK didn't always work. I thought it always did. The main reason I didn't want to use the CK Static and trigger box was the hassle of placing all the triggers. I thought making static activators from nifskope meshes might be easier to place though time consuming and a bigger download. Always tradeoffs it seems. Didn't know which used more processing in game.

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