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NPCs remain still unessential o.O ?


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So I am having a really huge issues with the important npcs of the game. Once I downloaded the "Kill every NPC including children" mod but when I downloaded Skyrim again from steam I disabled the mod and deleted the file.


I noticed that children are essential and not killable but npcs that are required for certain quests die. For example when I need to fight three people in order to make them pay their debt for the thieves guild. Well I can resurrect them and I am able to complete the quest but if i talk to them again I am still able to talk to them about the debts and start a fight again.


I downloaded the "Deadly Dragons" Mod and marked the "Make all NPCs essential" line without any success. There was also another mod here on nexus specifically about making npcs essential. A similiar mod is also available in the steam workshop.


I tried both and they didnt work neither. I also tried the "setessential BASE ID 1" command, also without any success.


Right now I really don't know what else I can do to fix this :/. I reinstalled skyrim like 3 times and it changed literally nothing lol.

Edited by SuicideDrive
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Are you running Dawnguard? It may be that your NPCs are falling victim to the vampire attacks.

You might try a mod that removes vampire attacks from towns, or causes npcs to go inside during an attack. There are a few versions out there.

It won't make the NPCs essential again but it could be a workaround.

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I run dawnguard indeed but I need to get NPC's essential again since I stuck at the quest from the thieves guild. I can kill them in that fight you start in order to make them pay their debt and I can resurrect them but I am unsure if that might cause a problem altough I could finish the quest that way.

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If you have a running quest that creates an alias of that NPC and that alias flags them as essential or not essential, then the game will ignore the actor's flag in favor of the alias. This is why, for example, you cannot flag characters as not essential that are involved in the Companions quest or the Aedra-related quests until their aliases get cleared.

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