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Custom bound weapon


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I'm working on a custom bound weapon but I'm having a small problem, when I equip the weapon the bound effet appers correctly but the weapon model is visible before the effect starts. I'm probably not describing it very well so I can try to clarify if nessicary. I'm still pretty new to modding Skyrim so I'm hoping that someone here who knows more than me can help me learn what I'm doing wrong.

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Skyrim bound weapons do not actually have model, their appearance is from the visual effect which comes from enchantment. In other word, if you remove the enchantment, the weapons will appear invisible. If you want your custom bound weapons to have appearance differs from daedric sword, dagger, battle axe and bow, you may have to accept that it will not have summoning effect or try to create the similar effect yourself with nifskope.

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I already modified the effect. The .nif I'm using is a modified version of the original bound sword effect but with my mesh replacing the old one. I'm just not sure what I have to set in nifscope to make it invisible during the beginning of the animation.

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