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Is Blender 2.49b still needed for Oblivion?


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I used this version years ago for animating. It was back then the standard of the community to avoid export bugs.



Now that I have returned to Oblivion, I am thinking upgrading to a newer version of blender or 3dsmax. They have added some features that are interesting.
Has anyone here been able to safely make animations with the newer software? Can you share any tips/tutorials?
Edited by AgentOrange
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I do not make animations, well not so far. I use the latest Blender version and 2 different exporters/importers from Niftools


Why 2 version? Well the latest I tried couldn't import stuff but export them. I used 0.03 but 0.06 is out so try it. I did report the importing failures so lets hope it works in 0.06. As the importing did fail in 0.03, I have mot tested the newer versions but I should.


I use 2.6.0 as it can import stuff, but messes up collisions when exporting with it, so I export my stuff as a NIF and then fix it in Nifskope, copying the NiTriShapes or NiTriStripes to a base NIF with a collision. I have succeeded in exporting a working mesh with collisions without using Nifskope in between but I do not recall how I did it. Nifskope cleans the mesh if set to do so, so using it is always good idea in between before testing in game.

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The community seems so quiet these days. I guess everyone is just waiting for TES6? :tongue: That is why I returned. I want to get my skills up to date before it releases. :laugh:


I guess it could not hurt to import some animations into 2.92, just to see if it works. I see that the niftools blender addon has been updated as recently as last month on Github. Probably those are Skyrim modders maintaining it?

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The Gamebryo engine is used for loads of games and the list presented here is not even complete. When using the Blender exporter, the number of games you can set it up for is huge really and it is therefor is is still under development.

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So just starting to experiment and I did get one import error with rotation. I fixed it with added keyframes although there is probably a better way. Not a big deal but also a sign this may not just be easy peasy.


Before trying anything major, I think will start with a short combat animation to see if it exports properly into the game.

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Oh yes that page has been very useful in the past with many tips that are still relevant. But it was made with 2.49b in mind which is 12 years old at this point.


I guess I am just wondering if anyone is still animating for oblivion in 2021 and how the experience has been for them. I will test some exports with 2.92 and the 2017 version of niftools next.

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Oh like any good modder my to do list is quite long. The only question is how far I will get. :turned:


The first thing I wanted to work on is to fill in the missing power attack slots for a couple creatures. As well as their missing acrobatic dodge animations. But it would be better to tweak an existing attack and make sure it exports properly than to spend a lot of time making one from scratch. Only to see export jankily.


2.49b exports just fine for btw. I have zero problems with using it. It's just 12 years old now. There are a lot of ergonomic and ease-of-use improvements in 2.92. For example you can move an entire pose along the action editor to adjust timing instead of copy pasting the key frame for every single bone. That equates to 2 seconds of work versus 5-10 minutes.


Also the good youtube tutorials made by real industry professionals are for versions released in the last 2-3 years. I just want to stay relevant.



What I would really like is for TES6 to use the new unreal editor. :ninja:

Edited by AgentOrange
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