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Ai script package base id.

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Also forgot to say that i have the constuction set for oblivion. And i understand that this isnt exactly a gamebreaking problem. But ive hunted extensively on the cs wiki and google (to no avail) so im here asking since im assuming people here might know a thing or 2 about scripts and the gamebryo console.
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Hello. Does anyone know the or how to get the gamebryo console base ids for script packages? Likr AddScriptpackage number xxxxxxxx or what ever. Trying to find the one for mage apprentice.


You cannot change AI packages via the console.

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Not 100% true Hickory. The limitations of the console commands AddScriptPackage and RemoveScriptPackage make them of little utility for gameplay purposes but it is possible to temporarily add script packages via the console. For example if you AddScriptPackage a3a5a to an NPC and a bed is in the same cell they'll lay down for a nap until their next AI package refresh (providing that refresh doesn't come before they make it to the bed, and the bed is un-owned). The only NPCs that can continue to use a single package are ones that have no packages of their own (e.g. clones created by CreateFullActorCopy or resurrected NPCs who only exist as a dead guy).


To answer the original question, the IDs are in a collapsed column that you need to click on and drag to reveal (as are many of the columns with refIDs or FormIDs).

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Where can i find said column?

Im looking for the base (not ref) ids for script packages such as the DarkMurder script. Im trying to add them to copys of actors. Ive tried the aed97 or adoring fan script but the guys dont fight they just folllw for eternity.

Edited by deathclawmassacre
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Not 100% true Hickory.

You're right, of course, but my (typically succinct) reply was considering the OP's statement:

Trying to find the one for mage apprentice.

In hindsight, I should have clarified my statement. My bad.

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No need for that Hickory, as I agree that the console is a poor substitute for properly placing NPCs with AI packages in the game using the CS.


To deathclawmassacre I believe you will find the collapsed column just to the right of the package names column (however I'm working from memory as I don't have access to my gaming machine). Look for two lines close together ... click and drag the right hand line to reveal the column.

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