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So i just installed Morrowind and a handful of mods on my laptop and started playing. When I left the excise office in Seyda Need I got this message.

"Script fl_kr_load_script

Trying to RunFunction index greater than function count

The script will not run anymore

Continue running executable?"


The mods I have running are

tamriel rebuilt (the latest one)

Better heads

Bette bodies


Morowind code patch

Consignement chests

Madd leveler base

Madd lever cap remoer

New argonian bodies

New Khajit bodies


I also am using the MWSE and FPS optimizer and I patched the exucatable with the timeslip


What does this message mean? Should I worry?


Also, the game seems to run fine but I just started. I'm going to spend most of tonight playing it. I'll edit this post if I do encounter problems. Thanks guys.

Edited by tweb1984
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Ok thank you! Is there anything special I have to do to uninstall MWSE or so I just need to do a clean install of the entire game? And also bettering graphics isn't that important to me. Not that I dislike better graphics just is on a lower spot of list of things that matter to me in a game. Also my computer only has a 256mb graphics card. Would MGEXE increase the graphics enough to affect it's performance with my card? (I would've given you the rest of my system specs but I'm on these forums from my phone right now so I can't check)


Oh and thanks for the help! I can already tell these are great, helpful forums. Some really experienced PC gamers have given me pretty snide or condescending remarks when I ask them questions haha :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for late reply, but I hang out more at the official forums.


Anyway coming to your problem, Since you have a slow PC, don't try MGE's Distant Land.

On uninstalling MWSE, not needed. Since you asked this I think, you didn't had MWSE launched alongside the game. MWSE needs to be launched along with the game to work. Should have mentioned earlier. Also since you have slow PC, its better to stick with MWSE. You can launch the game from MWSE launcher too.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm having a similar problem, though the script is a different one:

"Script fl_nd_main_script Trying to RunFunction index greater than function count. The script will not run anymore. Continue running executable ?"


a problem with the "main script" sounds, erm, consequential ? how to fix ?
(Have (just recently) installed WryeMashSA, still trying to understand how to use it to fix anything, like the THE Facepack prob (cf below))..

MW GOTY Non-Steam
Wrye Mash SA

MW Code Patch
mlox (for BOSS)
MMM, though now using Wrye Mash SA.

Visual Pack Combined }
Lovely Loading Screens } (installed but don't appear in mod list in WM)
More Detailed Places }

Vurt's Bitter Coast Trees (v1) }

Vurt's "Leafy" (NOT) West Gash (v1) }

THE Facepack Compilation (all of them individually plus the general one - as esm's)
-- WM has all these in red/orange boxes (except Br Im Rg green);
abot boats (doesn't work, though WM says it's fine)
Real Signposts


Clean Mana Regen

Fade to Black (doesn't work, though WM says it's fine)
Housepod Pack (Isolated Housepod only)

MW Code Patch Showcase
XE Sky Variations
Vurt's Grazeland Trees (v1) (all Vurt's are the v1's, prefer them to the v2's)
Vurt's Ashlands Overhaul (v1)
Vurt's Corals

MDP 2013
Big Balmora (Epic Balmora)
Epic Sadrith Mora
Epic Aldruhn

(- still in process of modding-up; Vurt's Ascadian Isles (v1) if I can figure out how to omit the coloured mushies and keep the originals, and MCA,... once this has been sorted...)

[My machine is reasonable - Intel i5 760 quadcore, 4GB RAM, 1TB+ hdd space, nV 560GTX >27" widescreen...Win7x64]

Edited by JoruneSkyman
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The "Trying to RunFunction index greater than function count." error either indicates you're running a mod that uses one of the functions added to the game in Tribunal or Bloodmoon; but you say you're using the GoTY edition so it's probably not that. Or you're using a mod using some MWSE functions without the correct version of MWSE.


In this instance I think it's the Fade to Black mod. That was written for MGE (the mod's functions change the display) not MGE XE, which you're using. I think Hrnchamd changed the screen-affecting functions in MGE XE so that not all mods written for MGE will work with MGE XE.


Double-check that you've enabled MGE XE's inbuilt MWSE (it's an option on one of the tabs of MGE XE's GUI). If it is enabled then I think you've found a MGE mod which won't work with MGE XE.

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Thanks for that.

tab: "In Game" has:
[ ] Disable MGE in game
[ ] Disable internal MWSE

-- neither of these are checked, so I ??assume (yeah, risky) MGE and internal MWSE /are/ running ingame.

Yes, FTB has not shown the least sign of fading in, no matter how hard I'm blasted, so taking the hint, guess I'll just remove it, and see whether the 'script' error messages continue.

Cheers !

Edited by JoruneSkyman
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Unfortunately, FTB doesn't seem to be the source of the script prob.

Launched Wrye Mash, unticked FTB.
Then I created a new folder, away from the game, and unpacked the FTB rar or whatever. Then using that as a guide, removed all the FTB files from Morrowind.
Then WM required me to update the masters, then healed the last savegame.
Ran Morrowind again, and that same script error msg was there right away.


The abotBoats, the other mod that didn't seem to work before, seems to work, mostly*, now - can catch a scenic sail (verrry nice! though direction changes are jerky. And also very nice to see ships sailing around even when I'm not on one, rather than just sitting in harbours) - but *I can't just leave the ship anywhere along the route (as advertised), as I'm stuck to the floor of the boat in the one position until the end of the journey. SO could abot Boats be source of script ? but I was not sailing when the script error msg came up.

Vurt's Corals also seems to generate a lot of errors, and can CTD fairly quickly after, but had already unticked it (not removed, though) - but the error msgs weren't about any script, so I'll ask about that elsewhere.

Hm, I guess I'll just have to repeat the FTB procedure above with each mod I'm using until the script error msg disappears....



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I've put a fair bit of information into mlox on MWSE and Morrowind Enhanced (MWE) mods. You say you have it but do you have the latest version, 0.60? That automatically downloads the latest rule-set (early September was the last update, IIRC).


If you're not using the latest version give that a whirl, maybe it'll highlight a mod. I hadn't added Fade to Black into the rule-set so it's not as encompassing as BOSS but it does go into greater detail on the mods it does cover...


If an update to mlox doesn't work (or isn't needed) then please post your mod list (copy'n'paste from mlox or from the bottom of your morrowind.ini) and the contents of your warnings.txt file. Maybe my mark 1 eyeball can spot something.

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