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In BOSS, what are Bash tags, and what am I supposed to do...


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... with them?


BOSS seems to be telling me "DO something about this!" and then offers some suggestions as to what it is that should be done. But what is the procedure? I Searched for Bash tag references and procedures, but the closest thing I got was how to do Bash _patches_. Are those the same thing? _I_ certainly don't know.


I'm sort of frozen in place, afraid to proceed for fear of bollixing things up.

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If you have both Wrye Bash and BOSS installed, the first time you run Wrye Bash, plugins will automatically be tagged according to BOSS recommendations if they are not already. So the Bash Tag suggestions in the BOSS log require no further user action unless you want to verify (in Wrye Bash) that your plugins have indeed been tagged accordingly.

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like ripple says u need wrye bash and BOSS installed, open Wrye bash, then run BOSS from there, boss and wrye bash work together basically to give u relev/delev suggestions, make sure u check BashTag01 and move to last place of load order, right click BashTag01 and a pop up menu appears, then click rebuild patch, and play game

u must do this each time u add a new mod or u could get CTD ( crash to desktop )

hope that helps, also try looking on utube for Wrye Bash, thats where i found out

hope that helps, gl

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This looks like useful information. Does anyone have a link to the Bash program? Is the authors name Wrye?



Never mind. I followed my own suggestions and found it in one. :rolleyes:

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Aw, for the love of Pete! Why does every action keep on requiring another, more complicated action that the _user_ must do -- necessitating that he must _know_ something else about the process? Figuratively speaking, I just want to drive my damn car. I do NOT want to know how to repair it; that's what mechanics are for. I don't want to service its innards; that's what Jiffy Lube is for. All I want to do (all I'm capable of doing at this juncture) is A) open door. B) sit in driver's seat. C) insert key into ignition. D) start car. E) drive. In this specific situation, what I am hearing is that I have to first gather my parts, install them, and give the "vehicle" an exhaustive "tune-up".


Here's what I got from trying to install Wrye Bash: " You are attempting to install Wrye Bash into the Program Files Directory" [Where else would I _logically_ want to put it, given that I am NOT a programmer or IT guy? Besides, the specified destination is the one that **the Wrye Bash Wizard chose for itself**!] "This is a very common cause of problems when using Wrye Bash. Highly recommended that you stop this installation now, reinstall (Oblivion/Skyrim/Steam) into another directory outside of Program Files, such as C:\Games\Oblivion, and install Wrye Bash at that location."


Really? Move the entire voluminous Skyrim folder outside of where it has been all along -- and where Steam knows to look for it -- just to accommodate this one program? Suppose that I do do that, but then Steam can no longer locate it? It that likely to happen? _I_ certainly don't know! But this is literally a case of "Do it our way or hit the highway." If I want to sort out those Bash tags -- which I wonder why BOSS calls them "tags" when they are described as being patches (which when it comes right down to it, makes more sense).


Once upon a time I was considered to be quite bright, with an IQ that was "up there". But the more I try to sort out a modded Skyrim, the more I feel like a kindergartener trying to interact with PhDs: _They_ know what they're talking about and seem to think EVERYBODY else automatically knows and understands the trade jargon, acronyms, procedures described in "shorthand", etc.


All I wanted to do is drive my damn car. Is that too much to ask for?

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Haha I've never had any problems using Wrye in Program files personally.


And I'm afraid if you just want to drive that would mean no modding! If you want to upgrade your car it can require a little bit of know how :D


If you are only using a few mods, quite frankly you can ignore the bash tags and the game will run fine. It is not vital to act on them unless you have mods that are definitely going to conflict otherwise. I still haven't gotten around to bashing mine and I have maaany installed. I've just been focusing on making sure I have mods that don't conflict too much, getting a good load order and cleaning them occasionally on TES5Edit.

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You can't just hop into a car and start driving. You actually have to learn how to operate the vehicle first. And since modding is a hobby and not a paid profession, you won't find any 'professional mechanics' here either. But if you are patient and willing to learn, you will find a very helpful community of modders and fellow mod users here. You get my drift, yes?


(Besides, kids are pretty smart, and also I know a lot of 'Ph.D.s' who are as dumb as rocks once you take them out of the lab or the conference room).


You are just going to have to do a bit of reading, searching, and more reading. Requests for clarifications are always welcomed it not always answered in timely manners (since user support here is also a hobby and not a paid profession). Occassional angry rants of frustrations are fine too (we are human after all), but don't let that get in the way of learning.

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I have to get this off my chest: THANK YOU! You have all been quite helpful and marvelously tolerant of my frustration venting.


I figured what I really need: Skyrim Modding For Idiots! Something that has tiny baby steps arranged in a Fullproof Idiot List. It would hopefully cut down the irritation of going from Step # to Step #+1, only discover there is a detour that must attended to prior to commencing Step #+1. Really, that's pretty much the source of most of the frustration.



So, recap: At this point, I need to install Wrye Bash. Do I _really_ need to move the Skyrim files, or as MonkerzX suggests, it's only "advisable"?


[Why me? I had a whole paragraph here, but when I Posted, that paragraph disappeared. I'm seriously feeling like Joe Btfsplk right now. (Attaboy to anyone that knos the reference without doing a Search.)]

[WTF??? _Again_ it dumps that paragraph!]

[THREE times.]

[FOUR times. The forum software really, really hates this paragraph.] Five times. And it's always everything between the end of this sentence and the "Suggestions?" line.


The next step is to install SKSE, which complains that it can't find TESV.exe. Neither can I or Win 7 Search. The Skyrim shortcut aims at a Steam path that suggests that my PC first connects with Steam and it is THERE that the .exe. file is located.


Suggestions? How do I cope with an AWOL TESV.exe?


[_Finally_ it sticks.]

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If you didn't change the installation directory when you installed Skyrim, Skryim's executables should be found in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\

Copy or move the SKSE archive into that directory, and extract all of its contents, including the sub-folders, right there. If done right, 'SKSE_Loader.exe' should be in that directory.

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