CaptainPatch Posted June 12, 2013 Author Share Posted June 12, 2013 (edited) Bleah. I feel like I'm blindfolded, trying to find the pinata. So I start Wrye Bash. Under "Mods", the last item on the list is that 0.esp file. I right-click on it and see the "Rebuild Patch" option, which I choose. I see categories for Alias Mod Names (unchecked), Merge Patches (which is checked and open), Tweak Setting (checked), and Leveled Lists (checked). Just for the heck of it, I decide to merge Better Sorting (Ammo.esp) and Better Sorting (Miscellaneous.esp). This generates the following report: Bashed Patch, 0.esp• Overview• Leveled Lists Overview Date/Time• 6/11/2013 9:12:02 PM• Elapsed Time: 0:00:25.522 Active Mods• 00 Skyrim.esm• 01 Update.esm• 02 Dawnguard.esm• 03 HearthFires.esm• 04 Dragonborn.esm• 05 AP Skyrim.esm• 06 moonpath.esm• 07 SPIKE.esm• 08 WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm• 09 HighResTexturePack01.esp• 0A HighResTexturePack02.esp• 0B HighResTexturePack03.esp• 0C Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 1.3.1a]• 0D Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [Version 1.2.2]• 0E Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp [Version 1.1.0]• 0F Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [Version 1.0.3]• 10 fantasy music overhaul.esp• 11 fantasy music overhaul - no vanilla music.esp• 12 fantasy music overhaul - unique town music.esp• 13 lockpickvision.esp• 14 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp• 15 Tytanis.esp• 16 Convenient Horses.esp• 17 Footprints.esp• 18 hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp• 19 Dr_Bandolier.esp• 1A buildablehouse.esp• 1B moonpath_questdata.esp• 1C Run For Your Lives.esp [Version 1.2.2]• ++ Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp• 1D Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp• 1E Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Weightless).esp• 1F Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp• ++ Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp• 20 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Weightless).esp• 21 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (Ranked).esp• 22 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp• 23 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp• 24 Immersive Weapons.esp• 25 Helgen Reborn.esp• 26 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp• 27 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp• 28 EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp• 29 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [Version 2.3a] Leveled Lists Delevelers/Relevelers• Update.esm [ADR]• Dawnguard.esm [ADR]• Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [ADR]• Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [ADR]• Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [AD]• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD] Merged Item Lists• DeathItemDragon01• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemArrowsAllBest• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemArrowsAllRandomLoot• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemBanditWeaponBow• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemOrcStrongholdSword• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemThalmorDagger• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemThalmorWeapon1H• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemVampireDagger• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWarlockDagger• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBattleAxeBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBattleAxeTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBlacksmithBow75• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBow• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBowBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBowLowLevelItems• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBowTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDagger• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerBest• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerBoss• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerForsworn• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponGreatSword• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponGreatSwordBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponGreatSwordTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponMace• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponMaceBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponMaceTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSailor• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSword• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordBest• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxe• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxeBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxeSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxeTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammer• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerBest• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• SublistThalmorArrowsElven• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• SublistThalmorArrowsGlass• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• TG02MercLItemWeaponBow• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD] Empty Item Sublists• 44AxestaffSet• LItemEnchCircletEnchanting• LItemEnchRingAlchemy• LItemEnchRingEnchanting• LItemNecromancerRobesEnchanting• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkills• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainArmorSkills• LItemPoisonDrainArmorSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainBlock• LItemPoisonDrainBlockBest• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkills• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainConjuration• LItemPoisonDrainConjurationBest• LItemPoisonDrainDestruction• LItemPoisonDrainDestructionBest• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkills• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainMarksman• LItemPoisonDrainMarksmanBest• LItemPoisonDrainMeleeSkills• LItemPoisonDrainMeleeSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainRestoration• LItemPoisonDrainRestorationBest• LItemWarlockRobesEnchanting Empty Item Sublists Removed• LItemApothecaryPoisonAll75• LItemDrainMagicSkills• LItemEnchCircletAll• LItemEnchCircletAll25• LItemEnchCircletAll75• LItemEnchRingAll• LItemEnchRingSkillMagic• LItemEnchRingSkillStealth• LItemPoisonAll• LItemPoisonAllBest• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkills• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkills• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkills• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkillsBest• LootBanditChestPotions100• LootBanditChestPotions15• LootCWImperialsChestPotions100• LootCWImperialsChestPotions25• LootCWSonsChestPotions100• LootCWSonsChestPotions25• LootDwarvenChestPotions15• LootDwavenChestPotions100• LootEnchNecromancerRobes25• LootEnchWarlockRobes25• LootForswornChestPotions100• LootForswornChestPotions15• LootForswornPotions10• LootHagravenChestPotions100• LootHagravenChestPotions25• LootVampireChestPotions100• LootVampireChestPotions15• LootWarlockChestBossBase• LootWerewolfChestPotions100• LootWerewolfChestPotions25• TGRewardPoisonAllBest But I really don't _understand_ any of what I am being shown, told, or even what it is that I have just done. What are those BOSS listings of Bash tag suggestions of "delev" and "relev"? It seems that BOSS is telling to "DO something", and that something needs to be done in Wrye Bash. But I have yet to figure out just what those things are or how I am supposed to go about doing them. Bleah. Just start calling me "Special Ed". 8^( Edited June 12, 2013 by CaptainPatch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yi3o8 Posted June 12, 2013 Share Posted June 12, 2013 (edited) Hello Captain, Let me start by saying I'm new at modding, but work in tech support helping out the 'special ones'. Some of the stuff you're going over is general rather than modding Skyrim, but you're probably closer than you think. First - let's not worry about WYRE which would be using the bash tags in BOSS. Just focus on not installing conflicting mods i.e. mods that alter the same thing (so if you want abc and mod one does a&b, mod 2 a&c, you install both to get abc and your game might crash to desktop, or CTD, when fighting over who has the better 'a'). For now, let's focus on the basics and forget WYRE bash tags and patching. 1. Nexus Modd Manager - can activate and deactivate mods rather than just the data files such as .esp (useful if you want to say re-install a texture pack that another mod screwed up - just deactivate and re-activate)- A lot of mods ask you if you're updating when installing main files and then update files. Usually you choose no, but if you are updating a mod and choose yes, all it does is de-activate the old version.- The latest version number is screwy, usually pointing to a main file version. 2. BOSS - You've already got this. Just run it anytime you install or remove a Mod. It will take care of the load order automatically when you run it, which is the number one cause of CTDs. Download BOSS Userlist Manager to help sort your unrecognised Mods in BOSS (you may need to refer to their page for a recommended load order). 3. Tes5Edit - This program fixes dirty edits found in BOSS. You work top-down, load Tes5Edit, right click select none, select the top-most data file with dirty edits reported by BOSS, press OK. On the top-left, right click the data file and Apply filter for cleaning - then right click the file again and Remove identical master records... (big warning, click yes) and then right click again (last time!) and Undelete and Disable References. That's it - you've cleaned the file and when you run BOSS again it'll show clean. Go through the data files with dirty edits found by BOSS until you get to the bottom. Luckily, this process isn't an everyday thing. 4. SKSE - download this and simply copy the files to your Skyrim folder (I'd recommend opening Skyrim folder to the left SKSE to the right, and by selecting all but the src folder you can just drag and drop the files into the Skyim folder) and you're good to go. Like mentioned, always use skse_loader.exe 5. You can make the game look better with ENB, SweetFX, or both. I personally just use SweetFX because it's less demanding on my 1440p monitor with AA settings maxed out and ONLY 2GB of graphics card RAM. It's basically just adding a direct X file to the Skyrim directory. I can point you in the right direction if you're interested. 6. If you are experiencing random CTDs, install Skyrim Performance Moniter, point it to skse_loader.exe, and install Cleanmem per the instructions in STEP (to clean memory every 2 minutes). Also, choose lite versions of texture mods. CleanMem and video Ram shortages are basically because the game's engine is not optimized for today's machines in a nutshell - otherwise I'd not be writing this #6 when 8GB of ram costs $50. Oh well. 7. When you get the game running beautifully using the above, you can fine tune everything with a bash patch to prevent CTDs. There is a Mod that is basically a bunch of pictures showing how to do this. 8. This number is because I think I have too many steps. This step is just a FYI / my opinion - the reason why this stuff seems so un-user friendly is because Modding consists of a bunch of tinkering with little to no standards in place. It's just a hobby like suping up an engine. Most people don't need the extra 50hp but we all need hobbys. Happy modding Hope this helps some Edited June 12, 2013 by yi3o8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted June 12, 2013 Share Posted June 12, 2013 (edited) Bleah. I feel like I'm blindfolded, trying to find the pinata. So I start Wrye Bash. Under "Mods", the last item on the list is that 0.esp file. I right-click on it and see the "Rebuild Patch" option, which I choose. I see categories for Alias Mod Names (unchecked), Merge Patches (which is checked and open), Tweak Setting (checked), and Leveled Lists (checked). Just for the heck of it, I decide to merge Better Sorting (Ammo.esp) and Better Sorting (Miscellaneous.esp). This generates the following report: Bashed Patch, 0.esp• Overview• Leveled Lists Overview Date/Time• 6/11/2013 9:12:02 PM• Elapsed Time: 0:00:25.522 Active Mods• 00 Skyrim.esm• 01 Update.esm• 02 Dawnguard.esm• 03 HearthFires.esm• 04 Dragonborn.esm• 05 AP Skyrim.esm• 06 moonpath.esm• 07 SPIKE.esm• 08 WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm• 09 HighResTexturePack01.esp• 0A HighResTexturePack02.esp• 0B HighResTexturePack03.esp• 0C Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 1.3.1a]• 0D Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [Version 1.2.2]• 0E Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp [Version 1.1.0]• 0F Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [Version 1.0.3]• 10 fantasy music overhaul.esp• 11 fantasy music overhaul - no vanilla music.esp• 12 fantasy music overhaul - unique town music.esp• 13 lockpickvision.esp• 14 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp• 15 Tytanis.esp• 16 Convenient Horses.esp• 17 Footprints.esp• 18 hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp• 19 Dr_Bandolier.esp• 1A buildablehouse.esp• 1B moonpath_questdata.esp• 1C Run For Your Lives.esp [Version 1.2.2]• ++ Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp• 1D Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp• 1E Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Weightless).esp• 1F Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp• ++ Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp• 20 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Weightless).esp• 21 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (Ranked).esp• 22 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp• 23 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp• 24 Immersive Weapons.esp• 25 Helgen Reborn.esp• 26 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp• 27 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp• 28 EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp• 29 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [Version 2.3a] Leveled Lists Delevelers/Relevelers• Update.esm [ADR]• Dawnguard.esm [ADR]• Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [ADR]• Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [ADR]• Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [AD]• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD] Merged Item Lists• DeathItemDragon01• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemArrowsAllBest• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemArrowsAllRandomLoot• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemBanditWeaponBow• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemOrcStrongholdSword• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemThalmorDagger• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemThalmorWeapon1H• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemVampireDagger• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWarlockDagger• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBattleAxeBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBattleAxeTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBlacksmithBow75• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBow• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBowBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBowLowLevelItems• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponBowTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDagger• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerBest• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerBoss• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerForsworn• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponDaggerTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponGreatSword• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponGreatSwordBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponGreatSwordTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponMace• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponMaceBlacksmith• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponMaceTown• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSailor• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSword• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordBest• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponSwordTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxe• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxeBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxeSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarAxeTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammer• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerBest• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerBlacksmith• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerSpecial• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• LItemWeaponWarhammerTown• Tytanis.esp [ADR]• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• SublistThalmorArrowsElven• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• SublistThalmorArrowsGlass• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD]• TG02MercLItemWeaponBow• Immersive Weapons.esp [AD] Empty Item Sublists• 44AxestaffSet• LItemEnchCircletEnchanting• LItemEnchRingAlchemy• LItemEnchRingEnchanting• LItemNecromancerRobesEnchanting• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkills• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainArmorSkills• LItemPoisonDrainArmorSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainBlock• LItemPoisonDrainBlockBest• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkills• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainConjuration• LItemPoisonDrainConjurationBest• LItemPoisonDrainDestruction• LItemPoisonDrainDestructionBest• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkills• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainMarksman• LItemPoisonDrainMarksmanBest• LItemPoisonDrainMeleeSkills• LItemPoisonDrainMeleeSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainRestoration• LItemPoisonDrainRestorationBest• LItemWarlockRobesEnchanting Empty Item Sublists Removed• LItemApothecaryPoisonAll75• LItemDrainMagicSkills• LItemEnchCircletAll• LItemEnchCircletAll25• LItemEnchCircletAll75• LItemEnchRingAll• LItemEnchRingSkillMagic• LItemEnchRingSkillStealth• LItemPoisonAll• LItemPoisonAllBest• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkills• LItemPoisonDrainAllSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkills• LItemPoisonDrainCombatSkillsBest• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkills• LItemPoisonDrainMagicSkillsBest• LootBanditChestPotions100• LootBanditChestPotions15• LootCWImperialsChestPotions100• LootCWImperialsChestPotions25• LootCWSonsChestPotions100• LootCWSonsChestPotions25• LootDwarvenChestPotions15• LootDwavenChestPotions100• LootEnchNecromancerRobes25• LootEnchWarlockRobes25• LootForswornChestPotions100• LootForswornChestPotions15• LootForswornPotions10• LootHagravenChestPotions100• LootHagravenChestPotions25• LootVampireChestPotions100• LootVampireChestPotions15• LootWarlockChestBossBase• LootWerewolfChestPotions100• LootWerewolfChestPotions25• TGRewardPoisonAllBest But I really don't _understand_ any of what I am being shown, told, or even what it is that I have just done. What are those BOSS listings of Bash tag suggestions of "delev" and "relev"? It seems that BOSS is telling to "DO something", and that something needs to be done in Wrye Bash. But I have yet to figure out just what those things are or how I am supposed to go about doing them. Bleah. Just start calling me "Special Ed". 8^(The tags are intended for Wrye Bash (not for the user), for the purpose of building the Bashed Patch. They tell Wrye Bash that 1) these mods contain edits to the default game leveled lists, 2) what sort of edits they are (add, remove, or both), 3) what Wrye Bash should do in order to intelligently merge these conflicting leveled lists into the Bashed Patch. There are a lot of functions in Wrye Bash for Skyrim that is currently not working. This is because Wrye Bash for Skyrim is a conversion of the original Wrye Bash for Oblivion based on its source code (written by Wrye). It's a pain-staking process and presumably, as the current Wrye Bash for Skyrim team continues their work (which does not include Wrye, who has said he's far too busy to mod or 'meta-mod' Skyrim), some of the functions will be revived or enhanced. What this means is that you can ignore everything else. The -only- thing you need to concern yourself when using Wrye Bash is the merging of conflicting leveled lists. Select nothing except the 'leveled lists' box, make sure all the plugins that show up in that window are checked, then build your Bashed Patch. That's it. Edited June 12, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainPatch Posted June 12, 2013 Author Share Posted June 12, 2013 (edited) Ooooookay then. I get the impression that I simply need to have Wrye Bash _there_ where it belongs, and I can leave it at that (since they're _suggestions_ that can wait until I have a better grasp of the software. SKSE is also where it belongs and the main thing I see that I get out of it is that it enables me to select a wider range of mods, many of which are built on SKSE. The two main two that I have sort of figured out are BOSS -- which shows me where problems and conflicts are -- and TES5Edit so I can keep the Master files Cleaned. What about SkyUI? It seems that quite a few interesting mods have that integrated into them. Is that good to be installed now that SKSE is in its proper place? I figure that once I've got SkyUI installed and functioning properly, I can go shopping for several score of mods that I've had my eye on. This time around however, I'll make a point of downloading them ONE at a time, followed by a BOSS to see if it's behaving; if not, I'll dump it before I go on to the next one. [bTW, one of those is Inconsequential NPCs!] Edited June 12, 2013 by CaptainPatch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted June 12, 2013 Share Posted June 12, 2013 (edited) I use SkyUI and it's a fantastic mod that address the ugly default game UI if you do not like the default UI. SkyUI can be installed like a normal mod (using your mod manager). Remember that every time you add or remove a mod, you should rebuild your dynamically generated compatibility patches (e.g. Bashed Patch). Also, before you install a mod and decide you want to keep it in the load order, keep in mind that with Skryim, there is no such thing as a 'clean save' any more. All mods will leave some form of orphan junk in the save game after they are uninstalled. For most mods, whatever junk they leave behind are either harmless or will be 'cleaned' after a complete cell refresh. However, for some script intensive mods, orphan script data will be left behind in the savegame which cannot be cleaned even after a cell reset, and it can cause long term damage to the save game. So basically, it's generally harmless to install a mod and play around with it (as long as you installed it with a mod manager and can completely uninstall the mod contents later), but be careful what mods you decide to 'keep' and make save games with after installation. Always check the readme mod descriptions, and especially so for mods involving papyrus scripts to see if the mod author has provided special uninstallation instructions for such mods. Edited June 12, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainPatch Posted June 12, 2013 Author Share Posted June 12, 2013 Quick question: What is a "papyrus script"? I've seen the term bandied about, but never an explanation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted June 12, 2013 Share Posted June 12, 2013 Quick question: What is a "papyrus script"? I've seen the term bandied about, but never an explanation.Basically, it's the scripting language used by the Skyrim Creation Engine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainPatch Posted June 12, 2013 Author Share Posted June 12, 2013 Totally unrelated: Re: Inconsequential NPCs -- Installed it and BOSS gave me this message:"The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed." So where should it be placed and how do I put it there? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted June 13, 2013 Share Posted June 13, 2013 (edited) Yeah, it's taking quite a while for the BOSS team to add this one, but they have a backlog of mods to something like April of 2012, so I won't complain. Search for a program called 'BOSS Userlist Manager' (BUM) on the Nexus. Install it and set up a 'custom rule' for 'Inconsequential NPCs.esp.' If you click on 'Articles' on my mod page, the article titled 'how to install and update mods' (or something like that). Near the bottom of that article, there will be a section which detail the rule you should 'add' using BUM depending on what other mods might be in your load order. BUM can be used to sort any plugin not recognized by BOSS when you run BOSS, so the plugins you positioned 'manually' will not have their load order position reset every time you run BOSS. So it's a good utility to have (all these 'utilities' to manage a modded Skyrim setup.... :smile: ) Edited June 13, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainPatch Posted June 13, 2013 Author Share Posted June 13, 2013 Bleah. Make that, "BLEAH!" I'm looking at the BUM UI and all I have is questions.: 1. How do you "set up a 'custom rule' for 'Inconsequential NPCs.esp'"? I see "User Rules" (black text), "User Rules" (red text), "Generated Rules" (red text), and "Inconsequential NPCs.esp" (black text). There's a LONG list of some kind of index in the right-hand table. Just where am I supposed to set up a custom rule? 2. I'm not seeing any hyperlink for "Articles" on the mod page. A _lot_ of enticing "what's inside" and a lot of details about the mod at the bottom of the page. But no "Articles". (Of course, there's a _lot_ of places for that to hide. Then again when you say "mod page I might be looking at the wrong page.) [AHA! Sandwiched in between "DESC" and "Files".] Reading the article now... " It is an insult to mod users because it treats mod users as morons."But, but, "moron" describes me soooo well! (At least in regards to all of this subject matter.) Ooooookay. I've got ADD Inconsequential NPCs.esp AFTER 3DNPC.esp, Hit "Save Rule" and in the right-hand table the view scrolled to "Companions Load Early" (red text) and under that a line appeared that reads "3DNPC.esp", followed by quite a few IF FILEs (aquamarine text). Is that it then? Hopefully for any unrecognized mods, the authors know to inform people just what inputs are required for BUM. Closed BUM and am now running BOSS to see what changes have happened... Everything is recognized and INPCs appears down towards the bottom of the log (7 lines from the bottom). Might as well see what NMM shows ... Same position on the Plugins list. All this sounding copacetic? Hope so. BTW, ... THANK YOU! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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