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In BOSS, what are Bash tags, and what am I supposed to do...


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Sounds like it worked. If you have 'Interesting NPCs' (I wasn't sure if you did) then you can just use the BUM rule you used and load 'Inconsequential NPCs.esp' after '3DNPC.esp' (those who don't have 'Interesting NPCs' would use the other custom rule I listed). Hopefully, BOSS will add InconNPCs soon.

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What confuses me is _how is a **user** supposed to know just what the line is that should be input as the AFTER_? That knowledge would seem to be something that only a programmer VERY familiar with the coding would know. I could follow the directions (eventually) right up to ADD.


I get the impression that some of the mod-makers don't necessarily know the coding all that well themselves. (Evidenced by the dirty edits, etc.) If there is an unrecognized mod (to BOSS), it would seem to be the author that must provide that info. Otherwise users could be loading a time bomb into NMM.

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