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Custom bows


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i would like to ask for advice here. I try to get some custom bow to my Skyrim (with no DLC). But every mod i download and install is invisible ingame. I can use it, i can shoot it, but I can't see it. Any help pls? Thx. :)

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i would like to ask for advice here. I try to get some custom bow to my Skyrim (with no DLC). But every mod i download and install is invisible ingame. I can use it, i can shoot it, but I can't see it. Any help pls? Thx. :smile:

did you activate the mods in your load order?

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Of course the OP activated the mod else they would not be able to use the bow. Being able to use it indicates that the ESP is indeed active.


To the OP

Ensure that the mod that you are using has also had any associated textures & meshes placed in the appropriate locations. Also double check that the mod you are using doesn't require any other mod for textures and meshes.

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