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Hey all. despite my very little presence on the forum i follow the site from years, to enjoy valuable contents created by ppl of this community. Ive been around from Morrowind times, when i was younger and mostly had a lot more free time to spend on Elder Scrolls. Im now starting my Skyrim experience, (bought goty yesterday), and im askin for some help;


NOTE: i know its a wall of text and u cud argue i shud search myself before. The reason why im askin here is cause i've no idea of the must have ones, and dunno if some of the mods i had are again here in skyrim but with different names. I'll be searchin my self the same while im waitin for your help


I'd like you to lemme have a list of suggested mods, followin this categories:

1)must have (those you think generally any Skyrim player shud use)
2)must have utility (like the old OBSE, Oblivion mod manager, and such.
3)those covering specifically my main interests in the game: Stealth (enhancing in any way stealin/assassinatin/stealthin experience), vampires (those makin vampires fits more the classic idea; for example, in Oblivion i was using "Drokk's"), Khajiit (anything strongly related, like in Morrowind there were mods to use boots as em, or the infinity toggleable Night eye), Leveling (a mod wich allow to choose how and why your stats and lvl grows, like Kobu's one).
4)I'd like to have more specifically mods wich assolve to the functions covered by some i had in Oblivion:

-Oscuro's Oblivion Overall alike: mainly to remove leveled mobs and chest, similar to Morrowind


-Diary/notes: a mod that allows you to writhe on blank books and/or blank paper ("note to self" if im right)

-Petshop: Animal companions and such

-Druid class: i was usin a mod wich involved some specific spells and skills druids related

-One shot sleepin/unconscious target

-Food/water/sleep: i was using a mod, a bad one tbh, that made it so that you had to eat, drink and sleep to stay alive.

-Samurai/Ninja equips and buildings: Weapons, fashion clothes, armors and places japanese medieval style oriented

-Bag of Holding: neverending space bag

-Cats and Rats

-Decorator Assistant

-Something to craft clothes and fur armors

-Dude Where's my Horse



-a mod to wear robes over armors and cloths



-a mod to enhance character customization

-a mod to become a lich



For now i cant think of other needs, maybe apart from an ITA patch, if there's a good one, else im stayn with english.


Know i'm askin for many things, very thanks already for any help i'll receive.

Edited by VegeForsaken
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2)must have utility (like the old OBSE, Oblivion mod manager, and such.

SKSE -- script extender

Wrye Bash -- a mod manager, bashed patch maker for merging leveled lists

Nexus Mod Manager -- a mod manager




-Bag of Holding: neverending space bag

Glimpse of Elsweyr

-- my mod, shameful plug :P

-- a bag of holding mod with some auto storage & auto transfer options

-- not yet setup for Dragonborn items, will work but not designed to include any DB added crafting ingredients in the auto storage/transfer options

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Im surely goin for the Unofficial patches, and prolly for the SKYUI.. I seem to like SkyRe but it keeps the world leveled, wich is a bad point imo. I'll try your bag Ishara.. and i guess CCBE is the most probable way to go reguardin female models.

Besides those, its still feel a huge work compilin my mod list..There seems to be really to many covering common and different aspects, and reading about em all takes really so much, not to talk about testin em.

I really hope someone will increase the suggestions i had above... thank

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And once you get into more advanced land and are getting bored by the easy game when you roll over everything with 2 fingers in your nose...


- Skyrim Redone as base for it's complete overhaul ( a lot too large to list all the changes, it's huge )

- SkyTweak to make Sneaking almost impossible ( you can do a lot more than just that ) and very very hard, only very silent out of line of sight and/or in shadows works - everything else is instant detection or search-mode... making noise? too bad - approaching a guard/bandit/monster ( who should be on guard not daydreaming ) from behind can be quite a challenge - but you have to tweak this yourself - though I can give you my settings in case you are interested, just drop me a PM

- http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/36478/ as combat AI loaded after SkyRe and you'll get pretty damn hardcore opponents bashing your head in if you dont watch out.


No more stepping into a room and hack&slash and everything drops. That playstyle is complete suicide even on Adept.


Next to that I play with RLO ( realistic lighting overhaul ) and ENB ( post processor ) giving me realistic lighting and ( mostly ) extremely dark dungeons, making night vision potions, torches ( but they cause instant detection ), detect life, various shouts to improve your vision or detect others very valuable. I gotta be quiet, move swiftly and kill fast ... when there are a lot of enemies I really have to think about how to take them out... watch their movement, see if I can pick one off without anyone watching. I make a lot of quicksaves I noticed :smile:


I was also annoyed that the game gets easier while you level up to a point where you get so powerful that nothing stands in your way. To counter this I have modified the Uncapper to make my levels increase faster (exp gain by skill level) so I get more experience on a gained level, but do not get too many perk points/health/stamina/magica (tweaked that as well) this way enemies scale with me more naturally. My levels go up faster without me getting overly powerful ( since SkyRe levels the monsters against my level this seemed like the best way to go )


In vanilla without mods I used to play on Master and it was still way too easy ( largely due to Sneak being so incredibly crappy implemented when 5 enemies standing 2 meters from you aren't able to see you when holding a torch (WTF) ) I was looking to get a challenge from this extremely monotone and easy combat system ( console friendly hey )


I hope this helps, perhaps give you an idea or two about what possibilities you can do, basically everything you want.

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360 Walk and Run Plus (QoL change to sheathed-weapon movement)

Apachii SkyHair is a great hair mod (the most popular?)

Apocalypse - The Spell Package (huge addition to available spells, a must even for non-spell casters)

Cloaks of Skyrim

Deadly Dragons (includes Deadly Monsters, makes the enemies' stats adjustable)

Immersive Animations

Immersive Armors

Immersive Weapons


Sounds of Skyrim


Those are some of the mods that I use and the ones that I'd recommend.

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I red Apachi has some conflicts with one of the mod i choosed im gonna use.. besides that, i play Khajiit, so it doesnt feel that necessary. Im surely goin for Deadly Dragons, and prolly for the "immersive" series. Reguardin SkyTweak for stealth i'll have to check how my game results with the other mods i put on to consider if i feel like needin it or not; this is mostly due to the fact that im considerin usin a complete overhaul mod.. I red about SkyRe, Requiem, Erso, and pair of other, being SkyRe and Requiem those i like most.

Nevertheless, some of the changes in them are not appreciated, modularity counted. And most of all, none of those solves in a way id like what is for me a major issue: The world scaling with player.

I found a mod called "Skyrim Scaling Stopper" wich shud make encounters not leveled.. and this an half of what im lookin for.. but it doesnt address the 2nd half: from what i red encounters still will stay on random spawn basis... wich means u cud encounter a "50+ notevenchancetoflee" on the hilss just near a noob city, or u cud meat a fluffy and weak little pack of wolves in the depths of hell...

I'd likes havin a "Pattern" for enemies spawn, relegatin lvl to zones.. how it is somehow in World of Warcraft for example, and how it as in Morrowind mostly. Same thing goin for Loot and Containers.. no leveled chests, but also not randomchanceloot's chests..

This is very important for me.. any help?

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