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Firearms WIP (Arquebuses, etc)


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Hi all.


I've ported some gun models I made in my free time. They're based on the crossbow (except for the pistol which is a staff.) The models are pretty simple and each took around 2-3 hours to complete. None of them go above 4000 tris.




2 match-lock guns

1 full-size wheel-lock gun

1 wheel-lock pistol


I initially made this for personal use, but I decided to post it here to see what you guys think. Personally, I use them with Ghosu's Project Flintlock and Mikloud's Flintlock Pistol mods.


I'm also open to any suggestions or requests (only weapons so far.)

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I don't usually put firearms in my game unless there's some sort of lore-incorporation to them...but these models look so nice, they're hard to pass up...could you perhaps come up with Dwemer versions? All you'd have to do is offer an alternate texture pack for them.

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I'll try a lore-friendly Dwemer version soon. I'm thinking that their firearms would have to look a lot like their other weapons and armor. Time to conceptualize.



Dwemer Wheel-lock


Edited by thefirewarriors
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I appreciate it.


It kind of bothers me that blackpowder stuff has never made it into any of the TES games even if it were mentioned in the backstory .Daggerfall, i think, had a book of jokes where a "Sentinel Army" was mentioned being useless because their "cannons" had sunk. Seeing as Skyrim takes place a several centuries after this...


By the way, I'm playing around with the CK and trying to put some depth into the arquebuses as a wholly different weapon from crossbows, with several variants. Project Flintlock is my main inspiration. Is there any way to force the weapon to "reload" everytime it's equipped? I'm asking because unequipping and equipping can be used to avoid the weapon's long reload times (15 seconds for the "Crude Arquebus") plus I wanted to emphasize the need for preparation before using the arquebus.


BTW, I also added the arquebus to the world using Kevin Kidder's Convenient Crossbows script as a base. It plays really well for me. Bandits use Crude Arquebus, Hold Guards and Soldiers (Imperial and Stormcloak) use the Advanced Arquebus, and the player can craft an Enhanced Arquebus once his skill is high enough. Arquebusiers also drop random amounts of blackpowder.

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I'm not 100% sure, but I think maybe weapon speed would have something to do with that...as a black powder rifle takes a long time to reload (wadding, powder, packing, *blows up in face* poor Sylvester)...I'll have a look at some of the DG content myself, and see what I can find for you.

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Okay, so, with a little digging and a lot of patience...there IS a "speed" aspect under Edit->Game Data tab. Try tooling around with that and see where it gets you :)

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Hrm...not sure how to go about that one...crossbows are automatically loaded every time you equip them...bows have to be loaded before each shot, so they come empty when you equip them, but...I'm not sure how one would go about that. Sounds like a script is necessary, and I don't know how to script at all.

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