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Revolver Sniper Rifle?


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I didnt see anything in your previous post about NiControllers :whistling:


Huh? How else are they animated on weapons (and other nif's that aren't rigged or keyframe)??? Kind of thought that was assumed, unless you have a magic way, all your own, of doing it.



Well If you know how to create animations for vegas then you may as well just create custom anims for the whole thing which solves the speed loader issue. The only thing I can suggest otherwise is using the little meter thing that turns when you fire the railway rifle but that wont be perfect either and will stop the hammer animating.


No I don't, just a thought about copying the whole block for the cylinder and everything related. Nor would I claim it is the best method, but it does mean only one animation (the cylinder), which seems to me the easiest so far. Don't get me wrong if you have a better/easier way I'm all for it. I respect your opinion on the matter and I'm not too concerned with who comes up with the idea or even how it's done per se.

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Well seeing as you said other than keyframes I suppose I cant answer that question.

If you mean copying the animations and renaming them to replace a 2 hand anim then Its been tried and doesnt work i think. If someone did get it working then the revolver rifle would need a pistol grip else your hand would go from holding the stock to holding thin air where a pistol grip should be. At least I believe that the animation also includes how you hold the weapon.

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If you mean copying the animations and renaming them to replace a 2 hand anim then Its been tried and doesnt work i think.


You want to move away from the charactdr animations, the strength of this idea is we don't have to touch those. Other than a minor alteration with the speedloader as ammo instead of a shell (ie new ammo, speedloader nif, same animation).


What I'm thinking (and you may know more about this than I), is from a discussion I had with AG (Apocalyptic Girl) on the mars mod ( where she was making some custom weapons for us). Long story short (IIRC) she doesn't use blender at all, just nifskope and would simply copy some blocks she wanted from one weapon to another.


And I get that. I don't use nifskope much, 90% it's blender, but blender does mash animations and special effects at times. Some of them just won't export properly regardless of the settings and you just have to go to the original donor nif and transplant some blocks. It's typically fine with rigged models, animated nifs and statics most of the time, but when it fails you just don't have any other alternatives than the above.


So I was thinking it might be possible to copy the block for the cylinder (which is separate from other blocks on the pistol) and any children block(s) with controllers to the rifle.


So long story short, no changes to the character animations of grip, reloading, firing etc, just a change of the cylinder and it's block. I'v done that before with some really crazy nif's (like the atomic valence and others) This isn't my wheelhouse.

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I know exactly what you mean, Unfortunately it doesnt work that way. You can copy blocks and animate it that way outside of blender for example lets say the revolver is made using mesh edits or a custom model in a 3d program and then taken to nifskope.

The base gun is from the single shotgun along with the barrel the cylinder and its components are taken from obviously a revolver. You hae all your parts animated the way you want but the animations are tied to the animation types in GECK, so when you choose the 2 hand animation types your provided with a list of like A to Z of fire and reload selections, you choose the fire type that matches the hammers for the rifle to animate them, thats all fine. But when you choose the reload for the cylinder lets say it was Reload D for the pistol, when you select that for the 2 hand rifle it could be the reload for the hunting rifle or something. Like I said earlier, you cant mix and match animations from different animation types. :confused:

Edited by scottmack
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Wow thanks for all the info guys! Little beyond my skills at the moment but there might be something I can do. How hard is it to modify a rifle with a scope? I really like the Cayman rifle linked earlier just needs a nice brass textured scope maybe like a long tube scope ala the La Longue Carbine.




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Wow thanks for all the info guys! Little beyond my skills at the moment but there might be something I can do. How hard is it to modify a rifle with a scope? I really like the Cayman rifle linked earlier just needs a nice brass textured scope maybe like a long tube scope ala the La Longue Carbine.





A scope is probably the easiest thing you'll do with a weapon model, great starter project BTW, to get your feet wet

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I know exactly what you mean, Unfortunately it doesnt work that way. You can copy blocks and animate it that way outside of blender for example lets say the revolver is made using mesh edits or a custom model in a 3d program and then taken to nifskope...... Like I said earlier, you cant mix and match animations from different animation types. :confused:


Lets see if we can alleviate some of that emoticon confusion. This is from Ghogiel, I think we can both agree this guys knows his mod-fu




Well as I said the nif and kf are somehow interlinked, I've not figured out how,

node names in the nif match controlled blocks in the kf.


ie open the nif. all the nodes that will be controlled by the animations start with ##. ie "##Bolt" or whatevver


open any of the reload kfs that belond to it. expand the controlled blocks array. scroll down to usually the later entries. There should be controlled blocks coresponding to those nodes in the weapon nif it is for.


open the kf and/or nif of the weapon/anim set you want to switch over to using. note block names. change the your weapon node names to match those. now the new animation set will play. if its wrong you'll just be miming away.


alignment will probably be an issue. I am not actually sure you can change pivot centers in nifskope.....must be a way...I'll look into that. but otherwise it'll be a case of importing both the nifs matching pivots of your mesh objects to the ones on the donor mesh.


if the mesh has a node with ##, then a child with ## but with a different name, (like in the alien blaster for example) you may have to do a little juggle of translation in nifskope after reexporting to get the node to line up after, for example the reload plays. it'll look correct at first, fire a few shots, reload. and the clip is floating out there in the wrong place.


most anims in the weapon nif don't do anything.



Link to thread here, in case you need context.


Also the 357 has reload X, grip default, attack 5. Loads through the loading gate


The Brushgun, cowboy repeater & trail carbine have reload z, grip default, attack 5

so they do line up on the reload and attack. Might be a better match, although I'm sure the animation won't line up exactly unless someone wants to play with the cylinder placement ad nauseum. Sure would look better than a speed loader.


Fallout 3 version here.

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lets see.. i made a list of animations but ive updated it with replacement animations from heffy's ar/ak mod and the bullpup weapon animations. bear with me...


copy paste:


Rifle auto 2 hand
default handgrip: left hand wrap around
handgrip1: left thumb aimed forward. left hand angled
handgrip2: left hand wrap jerkoff grip.
handgrip3: left under hand, webshoot grip. thumb foreward clips into gun
handgrip4: left hand foregrip far. highcarry
handgrip5: left hand foregrip close. highcarry
handgrip6: left hand foregrip normal carry

1hand pistol hanggrip
Default: Right Thumb under Left Thumb
Grip1: Right Thumb Up slightly from default.
Grip2: default
Grip3: default
Grip4 SMG Left hand Holding forward magazine**NEW


Reloads: 2hand automatic
A: g3 style
B: plasma rifle. turn, remove and insert
c: FO sniper rifle style
D: gauss Rifle side entry style.
E: AK style
F: AK style (service rifle) assault carbine
G: 22smg top load.
H: 12.7mmSMG top magazine reload leftside cock.
I: riot shotgun reload style. Light Machine Gun. Riot Shotgun
J: laser rcw style.
K: f03 Combat shotgun
L: Riot Shotgun?
M: **AK 47
N: **AR 15
O: **AR 15 T2
P: **AK 47
Q: That Gun revolver
R: bullpup Leftside cock
S: Bullpup Right side cock
X: single action revolver style
Y: Hunting Shotgun style

Reloads: 2hand balistic
A: hunting rifle style
D: Gauss Rifle
C: twisting barrel thingy
E: level action
I: caravan shotgun overunder style
M: bolt action varmint rifle
O: anti-material bolt action rifle style
X: lever action shotgun
P: garande style
J: break barrel 40mm style.
Z: brush gun level action
reloadQ = double action revolver
reloadP = Garand style
ReloadO = Hunting Rifle. cockback and mag change
reloadN = strange. fps=normal mag change. 3pv=level action reload

Reloads: 2hand energy
B: laser rifle back side reload style.
E: pull out side, twist and pull
F: topload and slap

pistol 1 hand energy
F: laser pistol
J: alien sidearm style.
H: plasma defender top reload style

pistol 1 hand balistic
A: normal bottom reload top slide cock.
C: top chinese pistol
D: sawed off handgun
E: 44mag revolver style
P: hunting revolver
G: 10mm submachinegun reload
L: bottom load uses bolt catch release 12.7mm pistol
O: 9mm submachinegun
K: 22 revolver breakbarrel style
Q: revolver

2 hand handle
C: plasma caster
D: incinerator
G: mercy grenade launch reload
E: minigun reload


attacks: pistol
attackLeft: 44magnum style heavy recoil. hits high first round.
attackRight: small cal low recoil. fast attack
attack3: laser pistol
attack5: single action revolver
attack8: RechargerPistol

attacks: Rifles
attack3: Hunting Rifle Bolt
attack8: Varmint Rifle Bolt
attack9: Anti-mat rifle

attacks: Rifles 2h automatic
AttackLeft: slow attack
attack7: pump action

attacks: Rifles 2h energy
attackleft: normal semiauto attack
attackright : lever action



The ** are "replacer" animations. i say "replacer" since they are ingame already without actual animations that other people ended up making animations for.



so looking at my list there... you can use 2hand-Automatic or the 2hand-Ballistic reload Q since it apparenly has the That Gun/DA swing out revolver animation. I'm not 100% on this. I did this list over a long period of time has been updated repeatedly so it might not be that accurate.

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