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Copyright Question (Sorry)


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I've read through the site's rules on copyrighted content, but I can't tell if something I want to do falls under ban worthy or not. To put it into the most simplest of terms:


Say I went to Google and typed in "Scooby-doo.png" and slapped that dog on a t-shirt and put it into the game. This was a free image readily available to all people on the internet.


Does this fall under copyright and will it get banned?


I promise I tried my best to find the answer on my own, but it seemed that most topics on copyright were about porting content from other games or music related. I thank anyone that reads this for their time.

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The rule of thumb is "if you have to ask, the answer is no."


Also, something popping up on Google Image Search does not mean it's a "free image".


But, in this circumstance, nobody is going to care. I don't think it would be ethical to accept donation points for that mod though, personally.

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