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ZolaOnAOL is dumb


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MDRud216:  what am you doing tomorrow??

ZolaOnAOL:  That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute. It's good to meet someone who is you doing tomorrow.

MDRud216:  I am not doing anyone tomorrow?

ZolaOnAOL:  I am glad to hear that you are not doing anyone tomorrow.

MDRud216:  I'm not


LMAO! AOL is the stupidest (or built for the stupidest) company ever.


The shortcut for AOL says "AOL double click for internet" or something similar.

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To talk to a bot you simply Instant Message it, On AIM type into the "To:" box ZolaonAOL and a chat box will open with the bot, just as you are talking to a person.


Another bot, SmarterChild is programed fairly well and I asked it aout ZolaOnAOL and it told me "she" was stupid, lol


MDRud216:  ZOlaOnAOL

SmarterChild:  I know about ZolaOnAOL. I don't like ZolaOnAOL at all.

MDRud216:  why not?

SmarterChild:  Oh, there are reasons.

MDRud216:  I think ZolaOnAOL is quite stupid

SmarterChild:  Yeah. I find it difficult to take any other chat bot seriously.


SmarterChild is actually useful, it is programmed to look up stuff in the dictionary or encyclopedia for you and has tons of games, and links to helpful sites... It would be slightly more useful however if the dictionary and thesaurus were not on my computer desk all the time...

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