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Just an idea I'm working on : dual wield 2h


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Cannot you do something like this relatively easy using ReProccer by editing the stats.xml? You can make it compatible then with all the other weapon mods.

I didn't read all the replies, perhaps it has been mentioned already :P

    <weaponName>Nordic Blade</weaponName>

Besides that you can also adjust the attack speed, damage, reach, material costs, etc in there.


Saves you the trouble of creating esp files for each and every change/mod/etc.


^ my job.

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Cannot you do something like this relatively easy using ReProccer by editing the stats.xml? You can make it compatible then with all the other weapon mods.

I didn't read all the replies, perhaps it has been mentioned already :P

    <weaponName>Nordic Blade</weaponName>

Besides that you can also adjust the attack speed, damage, reach, material costs, etc in there.


Saves you the trouble of creating esp files for each and every change/mod/etc.


Cannot you do something like this relatively easy using ReProccer by editing the stats.xml? You can make it compatible then with all the other weapon mods.

I didn't read all the replies, perhaps it has been mentioned already :P

    <weaponName>Nordic Blade</weaponName>

Besides that you can also adjust the attack speed, damage, reach, material costs, etc in there.


Saves you the trouble of creating esp files for each and every change/mod/etc.

SkyProc doesn't have the particular functions needed for this particular mod unfortunately

I mean you can do attack speed and stagger and all those other things just fine, just not the thing where you convert 2 handers from 2 handed requirement to either hand.

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ah ok, didn't know ( not very well at home with animations, should dig in it a bit I guess ) thought maybe they are somehow linked ( making a 2h weapon a 1h automatically picks 1h animations ) but apparently not.

Anyway, goodluck on the project :) Would be nice to make something brutal swinging 2 giant hammers around

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that's just how the game is already.




2h weapons are already slow and have more weight, which affects stamina used and stagger. Although thinking about it I'm not sure if more weight is suppose to make you do more staggers or less.


yeah there's a separate parameter for stagger.

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