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Is the Wii U the new Dreamcast?


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Several things the Wii-U has going against it:


#1. Its a severely underpowered system compared to Sony and Microsoft. 8GB of storage space for the regular model and 32GB for the deluxe? There is just no excuse for this considering how cheap storage space has gotten.


#2. Its overpriced for what the system is. $350 for a deluxe model? Really? The PS4 is going to be $399. They're gonna have to cut the price to $199 or cheaper to have a chance at competing.


#3. Lack of games. Many of the games are already old multiplatform games. People want exclusives.


#4. IMO the Wii-U's pad is a terrible idea. Not only is the pad expensive, its distracting to play on 2 screens, and its more prone to breaking than a pad without a screen on it. Its also a low-resolution screen.


#5. It can't play extensive 3D games at 1080p like they advertised.


#6. Last but not least, there is nothing the Wii-U does that will attract back the same casual gamer audience that the Wii got. Seeing how it does nothing new or innovative over the Wii.

Edited by Beriallord
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I'd add a seventh Berial, that gamepad is A hideously uncomfortable to hold, and B, totally impractical for anyone with hands bigger than a toddler's. Even Sony have realised some gamers have big hands(see PS4 Dualshock MK IV) I have big long fingers IRL, and my hands are like paws; the Wii U gamepad gives me cramps in moments.


More than anything they need some good, MODERN, exclusives. One of the things the PS has going for it is a couple of really good studios like Naughty Dog, that only make games for their system. The PS3 has an excellent lineup of exclusives, and if you like shooters, so does the '360. Nintendo is missing out horribly on a big advantage by not having any modern exclusives; they're too stuck in the past, mindlessly rehashing games which belong in the discount bin.

Edited by Vindekarr
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  • 8 months later...

Well, Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are wonderful consoles. I plan on getting a white Xbox 360 slim soon. The Nintendo Wii U has no chance against the 360 and PS3 and it will be long forgotten by the Xbox One and PS4. No excuse can be made for the Wii U. My family got a Wii back in 2008, It has been collecting dust since then.

I remember thinking to myself "Ok, I'll give this thing 3 weeks before I call it a joke." I turned out to be wrong by about a week. My family dropped the Wii in two weeks. The Wii never had any of the big name games like the PS3 and the Xbox 360 have. The Wii U is nothing more than a "catch up" console to me.

The games being ported over to it are from 2011 onward. A fact I remember from a video on YouTube; When Nintendo sold the NES in the 80's, they marketed it as a toy. I think Nintendo should have thought about how that would effect them if they kept the marketing towards kids. The Gamecube: Too young and Lunchbox looking for me. The Wii: Games that I like are not on here and What was Nintendo thinking?

The Wii U: Ok this is the Wii with updates. All I want to do is Laugh at it. This is the same mistake made twice! How are people supposed to trust them after the Gamecube or the Wii? This all my opinion. In a nutshell: Nintendo has doomed itself.

If you like Mario and Zelda, That's you. Nintendo never appealed to me and it won't. I'll stay with an Xbox 360 or a PS3 for now on.

Edited by AceShooter001
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