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Rate your preferred ENB


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Since there are so many ENBs out there. I want to know which one is your favorite and how would your rate each of them and why.


As a helpful reminder, here is a list of them.


I will only show the ones in this list who have over a thousand likes. If yours didn't got listed, well I am sorry. You can list your own choice if you prefer or put down vanilla if just prefer the Vanilla game as it is.
Still I would prefer a rank order of these mods or any list of ENB mods which are listed on the Nexus.

If you have a preferred ENB mod that isn't on the Nexus, then please provide a link so we may all have a chance to observe said mod from the steam workshop or where ever it is uploaded for available downloading.



A) Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics ENB - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15105

by sharpshooter8


B) SKYRIM ENHANCED SHADERS FX - ENB - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/822

by tapioks


C) Superb ENB-RL - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11318/

by sung9533


D) Project ENB - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20781/

by Bronze316


E) Cinematic Lighting ENB - CLENB - by HD6 - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4142

by HeliosDoubleSix


F) SkyRealism - ENB Evolved - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23765

by IndigoNeko


G) K ENB _ Kountervibe ENB _ Kinematic ENB - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30158

by Kyokushinoyama


H) Stakado Cinemascope ENB - Near to zero performance loss - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15425/

by Stakado


I) BLEAK ENB - UNBLEAK ENB - http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24828

by trustinall

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With all respect to ENB, as far as Skyrim goes, I tried it with various settings, others' and my own, and overall, unless you're doing a lot of settings switches, or making screenshots, or recording video - I always arrived, via tens of iterations, at the best overall settings looking very close to vanilla.


Everything else was good in some regards, but failed badly in select scenes. And with that little difference with optimum settings, it was just easier to turn it off. A game as modern as Skyrim just doesn't get much benefit. I do run graphics mods (textures, models), just don't like overall candying-up the graphics.

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Hi, I have got the sharpshooters ENB working 9fav looking one), and and aiming to get loads of graphic/visual enhancement mods to go along with the enb. I am struggling to find mods on the nexus which will give me the best results, and that are all compatible together. Could anyone give me a list of mods which will make skyrim look the best it can? Would really appreciate it!!

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With all respect to ENB, as far as Skyrim goes, I tried it with various settings, others' and my own, and overall, unless you're doing a lot of settings switches, or making screenshots, or recording video - I always arrived, via tens of iterations, at the best overall settings looking very close to vanilla.


Everything else was good in some regards, but failed badly in select scenes. And with that little difference with optimum settings, it was just easier to turn it off. A game as modern as Skyrim just doesn't get much benefit. I do run graphics mods (textures, models), just don't like overall candying-up the graphics.



Then you say Vanilla or you read what I had typed rather than skimming through it. Your reason was good, just follow directions.


Hi, I have got the sharpshooters ENB working 9fav looking one), and and aiming to get loads of graphic/visual enhancement mods to go along with the enb. I am struggling to find mods on the nexus which will give me the best results, and that are all compatible together. Could anyone give me a list of mods which will make skyrim look the best it can? Would really appreciate it!!


Is the Shaprshooters ENB the only one you had tested?


My own :o


And what is the name of it?

Edited by ElvenHeroine
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@ Elven:


What's the point of this thread? You#ve asked, if not demanded for opinions and feedback from others on a purely subjective matter, and when you receive some contributions that others have kindly taken time out to leave, you follow up by barking orders at them...




...Your reason was good, just follow directions.


I think the least you can do is explain why you "want" to know what other members think of their ENB experiences, and perhaps be a little more polite in the process.


And FWIW: I've tried several ENBs and don't use any because I prefer not to sacrifice performance over visuals.

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Has no name because it's not on Nexus...

I use a specific line of code from another ENB, which that author doesn't allow me to duplicate ( comes from Project ENB in case you want to know ). He wanted to upload the settings to his mod page but then decided it's too far away from his ( basically besides that line in enbeffect.fx everything else was changed - overhauled his settings as well, and use another binary as him ) that he decided not to do it eventually. Took 2 months to recode it, but whatever, it was fun at least.


I made it compatible with RLO, CoT, HD Fire Effects, and a few other select works to make stuff look like this, spoilered it, unedited btw (looks like this in game and I run on a 1GB GTX560Ti, so nothing fancy)...














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