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Waddup, I haven't been able to play skyrim on my computer ever. i have mods for it but it always seems like somethings wrong with every mod i ever get. Right now my problem is whenever i pick up clothes in someones inventory my game crashes.

please help :(

I know it's not my computer.

the following are what i have on my NMM

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Better Female bodies messes it up for some people, if not installed properly. When taking clothing off Skyrim can't find the model/mesh and thus crashes. Try deleting the mod out of the Data folder(Manually) and going into the Meshes and Texture folder and from there delete all files relating to Better Female Bodies. And if that doesn't work I suggest reinstalling.

Edited by TotallyShitGamer
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You have UNPB, and you have Armor/Clothes for UNP, that is not the same thing. You need to make sure stuff is UNPB compatible. You also play Ningheim? Ningheim is UNP... you're mixing a few things up which you shouldn't mix, really. Also Ningheim uses XPMS 1.6, not 1.81 which you have installed. So FNIS will also freak out because of skeleton differences.

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UNP Bikini CTD fix to stop this but above mentioned is correct too. I beleive the updated Ningheim has it's own skeleton which allows all the same things as the XP32


EDIT: Nevermind, I basically reiterated all of the above.


Edited by Descivii
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