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Require advice from Skyrim lore experts please.


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Simple enquiry...


I'm making a lighting and weather mod, where I can include certain weather types to me made and applied to certain areas of Skyrim - but I'm admittedly useless in knowing how I can use this to make the mod more lore-friendly.


For example, another member recently advised me that Falkreath should have gloomy weather to coincide with the areas "dark" goings on - and sure enough Creation Kit states that there's only a 10% chance that the area will be sunny or cloudy....


So are there any other areas such as this which should be given special treatment....?

Edited by LargeStyle
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North - the further up the more snowy it gets, also sunny happens, but no rain

South / Southwest is generally a higher chance for sun and rain as well. There's no snow in any of the South-West, South or South-East regions and would look really weird (since there is no snow on the ground)

West is more likely to have sunny stuff, not really rainy (bit dry), and not snowy either until you get up to high North-West (but not in Solitude!)

South-East (Riften area) there's your gloomy stuff, foggy, mysterious, also rain, no snow, sometimes sunny

Some middle area's (around abandoned shack for instance) should be foggy, it's a swamp area.

East gets snowy a lot lower than west.

Of course when you go up a mountain, you get a chance for snow no matter where you are.


If you google a Skyrim map you can basically see the snow line on there... from those area's it can be snowy, but below that it would look weird really.




of course this is just a small part...

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@ Morrovving: Thanks for the input! Glad you like the vids - the mods coming on slowly but very well - just been running around Skyrim basking in a gloriously sunny day and it looks quite nice if I do say so myself :biggrin:


@ prod80 - Wowsers, thanks for the info. I kinda know every pixel of Skyrim by now but your description is the main basis for locational weather systems.


It's things like Riften I'm uncertain about - in Creation Kit there's an extremely high chance of Riften being foggy and didn't know if this was to do with a lore aspect, the area (forest and vegetation) or a design choice from Bugthesda. I just don't want to spend ages modding a weather type that perhaps shouldn't be there or wasn't consistent with anything in particular.


I also forgot to say but the weather categories already established in CK are split up into environmental climates: Main (default), Coastal, Fall Forest, Marsh, Reach, Snow, Tundra, and Volcanic Tundra. At the continued guaranteed risk of sounding stupid - which areas are part of Reach and Tundra? :rolleyes:


Are there any other lore specific elements / themes that I should be aware of?

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I wouldn't know that question exactly... I just wrote down how I feel for certain area's... not specifically what has been programmed (I don't know that)... So what is Tundra and/or Reach - I don't know :)

What you can do however is look at other weather mods, perhaps it has some more information inside about what is what and give you some guideline... see what others have done, build on ideas or completely reject them... of course not to copy-paste what they have done, but more a general idea...


About this whole lore thingy, it's more about what kind of area it is... what kind of quests lay inside, what kind of dungeons (eg. and area around evergleam sanctuary would be mysterious.. maybe some fog with some sunshine... I don't know... go into the area in the game and get a feel of things :) Try not to go too far to realism or too far to fantasy... I would say. Tho both extremes will certainly find a user base.

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@ Morrovving: Thanks for the input! Glad you like the vids - the mods coming on slowly but very well - just been running around Skyrim basking in a gloriously sunny day and it looks quite nice if I do say so myself :biggrin:


@ prod80 - Wowsers, thanks for the info. I kinda know every pixel of Skyrim by now but your description is the main basis for locational weather systems.


It's things like Riften I'm uncertain about - in Creation Kit there's an extremely high chance of Riften being foggy and didn't know if this was to do with a lore aspect, the area (forest and vegetation) or a design choice from Bugthesda. I just don't want to spend ages modding a weather type that perhaps shouldn't be there or wasn't consistent with anything in particular.


I also forgot to say but the weather categories already established in CK are split up into environmental climates: Main (default), Coastal, Fall Forest, Marsh, Reach, Snow, Tundra, and Volcanic Tundra. At the continued guaranteed risk of sounding stupid - which areas are part of Reach and Tundra? :rolleyes:


Are there any other lore specific elements / themes that I should be aware of?


The Reach would be the Markarth region. Tundra I'm fairly sure is whiterun as well. Glad you're continuing the project. :)

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