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Could you do this....?


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I'm an Xbox user but I was wondering if you could make a plugin that could change the battle style. Perhaps for instance:


You could perform combination attacks (combos) against various enemies. OR

You can learn new moves and combos with your character.


The current Morrowind battle system compared to many other games is just a little... dull being you can only do three attacks with your weapon.

I was just wondering if that was at all possible.

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1. You can't download plugins for X-Box unless it's been modded.

2. You would have to find the plugins and install them to the X-Box.

3. The combat-system is in the source code, meaning it's permanent and changing it is illegal, assuming you can even get the source code.

4. There's no way to select plugins on X-Box, so all of the above would have been pointless.

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  • 3 weeks later...
There is already a program which allows you to perform combos, it's called Combat enhanced and you can read more about it at The Lys. I don't think it's possible to do this as a plugin... But if you run this program in the background while playing morrowind you can use combos to do extra damage. There is even slow-down modes which gives better control over the battle, and the possibility of knocking weapons and shields out of your enemy's hands...
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