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Unpacking BSA and repacking for SE problem

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I wanted to use Mighty Magic from LE in my SE game. Unzipped the mod contains a FOMOD and Images folder, 2 folders with just meshes, and 4 folders with esp's and a BSA containing scripts. I converted the 4 esp's in the top 4 folders and the meshes in the two meshes folder but after using BSA browser to extract the scripts to a scripts folder I cannot use archive.exe in tools to repack the scripts into a SE compatible BSA. I keep getting 3 files a tdt, a thd and a bsl. It always makes a bsl but what are the other two? And why?


I only really want the Main and the Dragonborn modules. Could I simply pack the esp and scripts into a zip and use it that way as 2 separate mods without an installer? But I really don't understand why I can't package the scripts.

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