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Utter Frustration!


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Okay. Almost a week ago, I had tried to get Requiem of the Capital Wasteland set up. But, it refused to work. And with all the things that got installed with it... I decided to judt uninstall New Vegas, and play Fallout 3 before I got back to it.


Well; got a lot of mods installed for Fallout 3... but every time I tried to start up the game... it would instantly crash. Hmm, curious, I thought. I figured maybe some of the mods were conflicting; but, then I disabled some of them, tried again, still didn't work. It didn't work until I had over half of the mods I installed deactivated. I though, maybe it's a script issue. So I got Fallout 3's script extender.


But it still did it.


So, I get frustrated, and stop fighting with it. Today... I decided to get back to Fallout New Vegas. I get the mods set up, the MAJORITY of which I had installed prior to the Requiem fowl up... and it does the same thing Fallout 3 did. Sort of ticked off, I went back and disabled all the new mods, just using old ones that I KNOW work together... but still, didn't let me in. Kept crashing. Even with the script extender installed.


I am SO CONFUSED. I even tried deleting the INI file... still, nothing. I want to play these games, WITH the mods I had gotten. At least in New Vegas's case, I KNOW most of them work together. So I do not understand this. How a reinstall would be so... damned picky and not want to work.

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If it's crashing on start up like you said it's usually due to a missing or inactive dependent file. When you select a file to activate in mod manager it will tell you which other files need to be active so it doesn't crash.


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I know this is a big time consumer, and a huge pain in the a**, but I've seen on other forums that if you uninstall New Vegas and reinstall it it can fix most performance problems, maybe that would help? Also Requiem of the Capitol Wasteland is out dated... Try A Tale of Two Wastelands, it's Requiem's predecessor, and they have been releasing patches for the mod quite frequently. One more thing, i wouldn't install Fallout 3 mods onto that mod unless it's been properly converted for that mod's use.


Hope one of those things helps. :smile:

Edited by MrMedicinal
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