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Repairing mods with sseedit and CK

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I have been trying to repair errors shown in sseedit, to get mods and their faulty functions back in working order. So i don´t intend on just deleting the errors or setting things to none/NULL - Null Reference [00000000].


I wanted to ask people who repaired mods/experienced modders, if they have a process of understanding a mod and how to reverse engineer it?


I have been trying for some time now, but i am turning in circles and have some problems of understanding how certain things work. Mostly quest related or aliases.


I read the page about them and understand how they work , but somehow i can´t make heads or tails about some errors and i wonder if it is because simply things are missing from these mods and need to be re-added/created or things just broke and need to be referenced again with the right variable/value/alias…It´s very tedious going through the lists trying to find the right forms/aliases .


How do you know what value is the right one? Or if it is a dialogue, activator, book ,...? I know common sense but that does not always work.


For example in a little mod called fortune´s tradehouse you get the 2 following errors:



[08:44] FTH01_QuestFavor_Seline "Forbidden Tails" [QUST:7C026641]


[08:44] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "FTH01_QuestFavor_Seline "Forbidden Tails" [QUST:7C026641]">


[08:44] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "FTH01_QuestFavor_Seline "Forbidden Tails" [QUST:7C026641]">



They are in the script QF__02026641 and both are objects called Alias_fortune and Alias_Ut_keen(both are npcs). I opened the script with ssescript and it is empty except for: scriptName QF__02026641 extends Quest hidden. No variables or anything else.


The Formid is FTH01_QuestFavor_Seline "Forbidden Tails" [QUST:0C026641] and inside the mentioned script are the two forms giving the errors. As soon as you reference the main quest(which contains both ) in the formid where both are, their aliases automatically fill in.


I am not sure what to make of that since i assume you need to get it working with the quest it was intended for or how does that work? Or could it be broken and reference the wrong quest?



How exactly do you know what to fill in to get it working?Trial and error or can you look up references and to where they all lead in CK?


I found they are referenced in the quest aliases for the main quest as unique npcs and in their sheets nothing is defined. And their properties are set in the script for the main quest(also the variables are setup in that script). My common sense tells me that the mod got the wrong formid assigned or i can delete the script as it was forgotten?


I assume it is also possible that some of these forms are old remains that are not really needed since they are not referenced in that specific quest.( i know aliases can be referenced game wide but could they be referenced by another quest while in this quest)?


So how do you know what to replace and what to delete or if they are unnecessary?


Thx for the help.



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THX for your reply.

No, not all. There are errors I know that should be ignored, like Inigo, crf, .... All the tint layer errors will either be removed or replaced by smt else.

But there are other errors that limit the mod's original intended functionality. In Heljarchen Farm(also read some reports in the forum) there are missing references for several activators on the repair workbench. The script for the workbench control is missing all its form IDs. Now I am not sure if it is just in-game messages since I can't find it in CK or if it influences if the farm can be built at all.

Same with LC_citadel, I had to assign the right property value in CK for the main quest to work correctly, so that I could finish it.

These errors i want to be fixed. Else I could just remove the mod entirely since its main function may not work.

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