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POLL: How big is your Oblivion/Data folder?


What is the size of your Oblivion Data Folder?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. How Large is your Data folder?

    • 0-3 GB
    • 3-6 GB
    • 6-9 GB
    • 9-12 GB
    • 12-15 GB
    • 15-18 GB
    • 18-21 GB
    • 21-24 GB
    • 24-27 GB
    • 27+ GB

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I have to wonder if some of ya'll are storing your downloaded archives in the "Data" folder rather than just the extracted mods themselves. ;)


The OP is actually after how large your "active" mods are, not your entire collection. buddah did not install every mod he has downloaded so his "Data" folder of active mods will be quite small compared to his "archive" folder where he keeps all the downloaded mods.


I do not have a lot of mods installed but the primary reason my "Data" folder is so huge are due to source files I use to make the smaller / compressed DDS textures. A single source image can be 25 to 50 MB but once converted to DDS, might only be 1.3 MB. So the size of my "Data" folder will not be representative of the size of active mods.



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8 :)

It would be much higher, but when I find a mod I like, I recreate everything that I like in my personal mods, then delete all the extra textures, meshes and esps. This keeps my Data folder nice and clean without alot of garbage I don't use :D

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Fallout 3: 6.8 gb

Oblivion 4.5 gb


It would be about, oh, three or four times as much if you were asking on the archives. I've only got an 80 gig HDD I use for gaming, and since it's a solid-state and sickeningly fast, I have to keep it cleaned out to be able to have room for new stuff without deleting something I use.

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My data folder is a measily 10.4...my bare essential mods, others I rotate in and out of my stable setup for testing and sometimes just to have a bit of fun.


My mirrored archives, one internal and one external 1tb each, are currently sitting at just a little over 330gigs {compressed} for morrowind/oblivion, and another 49gigs for fallout3.


So I have a ways to go before I have to change out my archive drives again, my old 250 was full a few months ago, I copied it to the new ones and changed my backup settings, it does it daily at midnight. That one is sitting in it's box in my safe.....a 70 year old diebold safe, weighing in at a paltry 500 pounds, yeah it is overkill, but I want to see their faces when they crock it and find out what is on that drive.



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