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Oblivion landscape fixing via TES4ll is giving me nothing but problems

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I had no choice but to delete all of TES-4 Oblivion for good because of problems that TES4ll has given me! I don't even know if it's the real culprit or not, but I go to install the landscape lod for UL Medium Resolution and it about destroyed all the landscape lods for every TWMP mod I had installed, destroyed all the landscapes of Elsweyr Anequina, Vanilla Oblivion, and more! I just don't know what I did wrong! And this roller coaster of trying to fix landscape errors, especially ghost land glitches, all started when I went and played TWMP Hammerfell, and I blame it on myself because I'm just not good at installing modsin the right order! So someone who knows how to install mods the right way and in the right order when installing mods, please help me out!!!

Edited by Lord Palpatine
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Oblivion/TWMP/Elsweyr Anequina/Unique Landscapses are never going to all be compatible with each other. That is because of the vastly differing landscape, and the need to install pre-made .lod files -- as opposed to being able to combine everything with TES4LODGen. That's the way it is, so you'll have to choose which you want installed the most.

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