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How to start new SEPARATE game profile?


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On a PC, using Vortex.


I want to start a new profile, completely separate from the others. No connection at all.


I create a new game profile, and it copies all the mods from whatever profile was previously enabled to the new one (at least it looks that way).


If I uninstall a mod from the new profile, it also uninstalls it from the previous profile and any the other damn profiles too!


However, if I re-enable that mod in one of the profiles, it does NOT enable in the others.


I have two profiles and the new one. All three are set to Yes for Save Game and Game Settings.


Am I missing something? Is there any way to make a stand alone profile?

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Well, I waited for you in the Vortex Support Forum...


Below the Skyrim Profiles you already have, click Add "Skyrim Special Edition" Profile

Make a title for the Profiel, and select "This profile has its own save games"
The new profile created says "Mods Enabled 0"

Switch to the profile by selecting ENABLE

You'll notice a LOT of Mods that are DISABLED....first things first, ENABLE any of the mods you want to use in your new profile, if not leave them Disabled.

Now install whatever mods you want to use in the NEW Profile (They will be ENABLED in your New profile, and if you switch back to your Old profile, they will be DISABLED)
DO NOT Uninstall any mod that came from the old profile, now just go about your business installing Mods for your New Profile.

Once you're done installing, enabling, and deploying all your Mods and Plugins, if you want your MOD tab and PLUGINS tab to look a lot neater, use the FIlter in the upper left hand corner and select ENABLED.
and you will only see the Mods and Plugins you have enabled for that particular Profile..like the screenshot below, see right under the word STATUS?
It says ENABLED in Blue, that's because it's only showing the Enabled Mods and Plugins (You have to set that on both the MOD and PLUGIN tabs.


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We desperately need an upvote button to show our appreciation for helpful comments!


Kudos HadToRegister. I didn't ask the question but I'm thankful for your answer, since it just "larned me a few thangs"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I second the request for an upvote.


That was a great answer HadToRegister, thank you!


I don't see how to move this, and I don't want to delete it, since it has that great answer which will likely help others here.


It's not the answer I was hoping for, but it's reality.


I really wish there was a way to put the Vortex profiles into separate "compartments" but I can see why it hasn't been done and likely won't be.

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