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Simple Resize of DeadPool2099's Hunting Shotgun


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Just a simple request for DeadPool2099's Hunting Shotgun to be sized down a bit. As it stands, the gun feels gigantic. The barrel is thick and long as Hell the pump seems way bigger than it would ever need to be.


I'm not asking for those parts specifically to be rescaled, just the gun overall dialed back a bit, by maybe 10-15%.


Hoping someone might do this.

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I can't argue too much on that as I haven't tried it myself, but if you're on PC, I know you can use console commands to change something's size including your character. I wish they gave us a way to show whether we are playing on a Console or PC so we don't have to guess.

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I can't argue too much on that as I haven't tried it myself, but if you're on PC, I know you can use console commands to change something's size including your character. I wish they gave us a way to show whether we are playing on a Console or PC so we don't have to guess.


The console command is "setscale". Like if you want to make yourself a bit smaller you can "setscale .95". To go back to normal "setscale 1.0". However, does not work on weapons you are holding. I just tried, ended up shrinking a big chunk of Sanctuary as I clicked through the weapon lol

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You have to shrink the actual mesh models. Which, in the case of guns, throws all the animations off. And you can't just shrink one mesh, you have to shrink every single mod you can put on the gun.


I'm trying to figure out how to shrink the scope on a custom pistol, cause it looks better with one but the scopes are huge and block half the screen. Yup, scopes actually prevent you from acquiring targets. Wonder what graphical genius came up with that.


Anyway, if I figure it out I'll let you know.

Edited by aurreth
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So what I did was I extracted the scope NIF files to a temp location. I then opened them in Nifskope and scaled them down. I then opened the scaled down NIF file in Outfit Studio and then exported it to, yes, a NIF file, to make sure the mesh was in the correct format.


For me scaling to .85 worked pretty well. You may have to try a couple different sizes to get one you like. Just remember you need to scale every NIF file associated with that gun, or things will look... strange.

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