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How to force followers to not use magic?


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Ok, so currently i'm using Serana as a follower (mainly because she's invincible even after the Dawnguard quests are finished). One of her main skills is one handed, so I have her a legendary dragonbone sword, thinking she'd tear ass with it. Instead, she hangs back and uses destruction spells even though she does hardly any damage with them, and destruction isn't one of her main skills. This is getting really quite annoying after I went to all the trouble of making her all this snazzy gear, and she doesn't use it. I looked through all the console commands but none of them seem helpful. Does anyone know a solution?


(P.S. If you don't recognise this account, I used to post on the oblivion forums a while back, this is the 1st problem i've had with Skyrim).


EDIT: Just realised this is only my 2nd post on these new forums, never mind about the P.S. :biggrin:

Edited by scissorhands
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What mod would I use to adjust her combat styles? Hopefully its not too complicated for a computerphobe such as me.


I did think of using the console to set her magicka to 0, but I was a bit reluctant to do so in case it caused other problems I was unaware of (I have no idea what those problems might be, but you never know).

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I set Serana's magicka to 0. Its an improvement, but still not perfect. She can still somehow use her vampiric drain, although she does sometimes uses her sword now.


You mention a mod that can adjust NPC combat styles. What mod would this be? Its not one I know of.

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