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Change all Disciples to Female

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I thought this would be simple, find the list of spawns it chooses from and just delete the male lines or replace them with the female ones. Yeah, well, not finding any such list lol


I don't really care about the Nuka World ones, just the raider outpost "settlers". Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Yes, because I totally want to do something pervy and have no idea how to find that-other-site. Thank you for being so judgmental. And prudish. When I finish my "all Disciples are psychotic females who run around naked covered in blood and wielding meat cleavers" mod I'll make sure to tell you about it so you can avoid downloading it by accident.


Seriously, if I wanted to be a perv I'd mod Skyrim, which is well established in the pervy-mod category.


The Disciples are primarily female, from what I've been able to tell by about two to one. I like the idea of having one all-female gang, and they are the most logical choice.


I tried altering the base template, switching the sex to female, but that didn't seem to work. New raiders arrive so slowly to outposts it's hard to tell.

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Jesus! if you ask for a way to get an "only woman faction" is not my fault if my observations from it don't meet your expectations, I'll make sure not to hurt your feelings the next time I try to help you.


Seriously, if you ask for suspicious things try to make clear why you want it, otherwise people gonna think what seems obvious to think, because Fallout modding is full of pervy mods as well. And I have the right to make my observations, if you don't like them just ignore them.


"I like the idea of having one all-female gang", that doesn't seems even near to a reason, but yeah, people makes mods based on what they like. And if you like an all-female gang, it looks like what it looks like.


In the fourth line it seems like you come back to the question, so here we go: There are LChar entries used in the templates of the actors in the leveled lists, those LChar records contain the faces information which also provide the gender, so you need to remove whatever character you don't want from that leveled character record.


Bonus track: On the other hand, it is probably that any of those changes takes effect on a saved game.

Edited by DieFeM
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Thank you, paragraph 4 was useful.


DLC04_LCharRaiderDiscipleFace contains 12 entries in the list, 4 of which are male (apparently my 2-1 was low, it's 3-1 female). So, if the face designates the gender all I should have to do is delete the Male entries from that list.


DLC04LCharWorkshopRaiderA has two male and one female entry. I guess the men want to get far away from Dixie.

DLC04LCharWorkshopRaiderA has four female entries, no male. Apparently the women do the talking.


There, hopefully that takes care of things.

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