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New file adding "wizard", tagging and more prominent content blocking


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@Rosepine - we go by US/UK law - as we cannot cater to every separate country on earth with a separate nexus just for them we have to draw a line somewhere. And most of the gaming companies are US or UK, and the site is registered in UK we go by those laws. :thumbsup:

@nuvendile -

I do think that a similar system should be implemented for giving spotlight to extraordinary mods on the front page.

While this may look like a good idea. How do we get a computer to differentiate between most popular - (Number of downloads) and an extraordinary mod? ( a subjective criteria) Plus - just because you believe a mod to be extraordinary, that does not mean that the majority believe it is - otherwise, that mod would already be in the hot files.


The front page hot files are actually very ephemeral and will change, the really extraordinary mods will be found on the top lists - where change is very slow and those mods that have been popular over time typically win out over those that are hot today and forgotten tomorrow.

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Whats the current search default? Is it all content? Thanks, I hope you find a way to reasonably do the cluster server system and I think for those that want it the new tag search will be great.
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In response to post #8294739. #8295941 is also a reply to the same post.

The problem isn't the fact that it has a German tag - there are situations where having both an English and a German flag for a given mod would make sense. The issue is that it isn't possible to filter non-English-except-if-also-English.
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In response to post #8296946.

I do not doubt it, and does not require you to change the rules, in particular for me. But I do not like when a people say what I can play or what I can't play. I have not claimed he had a skyrim more well for me. for the hot issues, in my mind, it was more a question of records checks ... I am not a modder and not computer. at most, I can say to have a good knowledge of Cameras Film on a technical ground. when what could have be a "extraordinary" is a term I do not even use French. but sympathy with the modders I find it quite normal to use tools plébicite (vote or kudos etc ...) Nexus for bring my support -Photo supporter" have a malfunction with my computer, but note that I do not ask you to stop any you have to do for just reply to my pleasure (since it seems that you wish I justified) ... I can even do without. I am just a gamer who likes skyrim and the energie of the others Fans. Here, Like this, I said everything. sorry for my bad english and the time for translate my answer Edited by Rosepine
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Ugh, it's sad to see people get so worked up over such trivial "issues" when all they have to do is not click on the link to the mod that offends them.


Some people just look for things to whine about and want others to do everything for them while refusing all responsibility of their own, but it's good to see that the Nexus team is always looking to improve things.

Edited by grunt11
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On the "Skimpy Lore-Friendly bikini" mod I made a comment, saying that I had tagged it as Not Lore-Friendly' and the comment was removed along with my tag by the author (with Moderator consent obviously as you cant remove comments without consent?) I went on to explain why I did that.


The Lore-Friendly tag is something people use to find mods which meld/blend into the Elder Scrolls themes is it not?

That isn't to say that Bikini's dont exist in the Elder Scrolls, they obviously could/do. But people don't click 'Lore-Friendly' to find Bikini's. They click 'Lore-Friendly' to find things which blend perfectly with the Elder Scrolls world and don't distract from it.

They click 'Sexy/Skimpy' to find bikini textures.

Which I why I made the comment and tagged the file.


So why is my comment removed? I would like to know why considering that this news has been posted on the subject of tagging and it's quite important.

If the author considers my very valid comment on his mod insulting enough to remove it (I wasnt insulting, I like sexy mods) then the subject of tagging is FAR more convoluted than we need, if so, the tags need to be defined.

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In response to post #8297915.

I'm ok with you. but. but they also have a right to expression if you want they do not affect ours . But I think the moderators will again have to explain why a thousandth time. And for many, it is warmer than the record warming poles Edited by Rosepine
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ps, so we did misunderstand me ... I consider the most complete work of art in its realization is called "the origine of the world,". This Impressionistic painting was been sensureship a century. But i stop My comment... :) :) :) Edited by Rosepine
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