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Hey, I got another funny Idea to spice this tabatière (french word for a box for snuff (tobacco)) up. Lets do it alphabethical. The next would be with 'U' Are you ready for this ?

Edited by SilverDNA
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cynophilist- someone who loves dogs


As in ...Being a uxorious husband I have a cynophistic relationship with my dog who warns me of her impending arrival. :ninja:

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A roman form of divorce in which a cake was used. :wink:



You just have to explain how that worked. Did the husband throw the cake or did the wife? Course, I would be enjoying a state of schadenfreude at the event, that being the feeling of pleasure from another's misfortune. Perhaps the divorce was due to a state of being too maritorious (being excessively fond of one's husband)?

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