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Getting Desperate: Want to lock F4 to 30 fps on PC...without stuttering...


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So I have a 1080 Ti and an 8700k, and playing the game at 4k locked at 60 is a no-go. Problem is, even when the game is running at 60....via NVIDIA, via tweaking the .ini, I still get terrible stuttering, micro hitching, etc. I played the campaign on PS4 and Xbox, I got used to 1440p/4k at 30fps and I'd like to play the same on PC.....but it's basically impossible to get a smooth experience.
I'm having to use a joypad and not KBM, not sure if that is part of the problem or not. I've tried a ton of different quick fixes...adaptive V-Sync, no.....borderless/windowed mode...no......even when I think its running smoothly, it isn't.

I want max eye candy (without resorting to mods, just the in-game asses at max distance) at 4k....and am willing to settle for 30fps (mostly a VATS guy anyhow)....but this game keeps giving me the finger.

IS it possible to run hitch-free at a locked 30fps on PC like it always (or tries to) do on PS4 and Xbox One X? TY.


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Yeah the problem here is that the frames do not dip below 30...........the game just doesn't lock at 30, someone suggested that the problem is the PC implementation of joypad control sucks and is causing the problem.....I'm ready to throw in the towel and just go back to xbox if I can't lock it down...

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Online there's like 4 ways I've tried. Change two or three of the INI's to force it to unlock/uncap the framerate, then use the Nvidia tool to lock the framerate at half standard (so lock it at 30), and then run in like windowed/borderless mode. It will lock the game at 30fps according to screen counters....but oh man the micro-stuttering and hitching, you spin in a circle and you see trees jump like 10 pixels, you walk forward and its frameskipping all over the place. Its simply not smooth. I read that if you disable joypad/stick support it goes away but I'm stuck using a pad due to where I want to play this game (couch, without having to deal with a KBM setup)........

I had hoped by now, years later, there was a mod or something although I'm guessing most people just dialed-back settings to run it at a *close to* locked 60, we know there are areas in the game that if you don't mod it are going to suffer (downtown, etc)..

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