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Tea Party The New Civil Rights Movement?


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You made it pretty clear in your other threads that you support one party and oppose the other. The illegal practices that the supported party have condoned include:


-Drone strike assassinations against American citizens suspected but not convicted of crimes, a denial of their right to due process

-Domestic wiretapping without probable cause or legal authority

-Circumvention of constitutional authority through executive orders

-Selling illegal weapons to drug cartels

-Violations of the Logan Act (several instances, but all are debatable in their legality)


The unethical, but perhaps not illegal, acts would include:

-Increased military spending

-Increased foreign militarism and imperialism

-Increased loss of life and limb among civilians who are victims of our militarism

-continuation of ineffective, wasteful, and statistically racist drug prohibition policies

-demonstrated tolerance for executive financial crime


These are just short lists that came off the top of my head. If one were to really compile a comprehensive version of either list it would grow quite long.

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You made it pretty clear in your other threads that you support one party and oppose the other. The illegal practices that the supported party have condoned include:


-Drone strike assassinations against American citizens suspected but not convicted of crimes, a denial of their right to due process

-Domestic wiretapping without probable cause or legal authority

-Circumvention of constitutional authority through executive orders

-Selling illegal weapons to drug cartels

-Violations of the Logan Act (several instances, but all are debatable in their legality)


The unethical, but perhaps not illegal, acts would include:

-Increased military spending

-Increased foreign militarism and imperialism

-Increased loss of life and limb among civilians who are victims of our militarism

-continuation of ineffective, wasteful, and statistically racist drug prohibition policies

-demonstrated tolerance for executive financial crime


These are just short lists that came off the top of my head. If one were to really compile a comprehensive version of either list it would grow quite long.


OMG! you got me Troaches... All of this stuff you listed is all "my" parties fault... ;D /sarcasm


Just to let you know I've honestly been a registered republican my whole life.


I mean come on seriously you put all this blame on one specific political party?


Do you even remember before obama was even president most of this stuff you listed has been going on for years even before the democrates controlled the senate or congress and even the white house?


Despite all this lets not totally derail the topic anymore... If you want to start your own debates about these issue you say are all "my" parties fault go ahead... would be interesting...

Edited by colourwheel
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Just to let you know I've honestly been a registered republican my whole life.

This is odd, considering this quote:


The huge problem these days I feel is one political party tends to seem more logical than the other.

I suppose the Republicans are the party that you consider more logical? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Or did you register with the less logical party? I would also invite anyone to read your post history in this forum and decide for themself if you seem to favor one party while consistently condemning the other.
So which Republican is the good one, whom you support?

I mean come on seriously you put all this blame on one specific political party? Do you even remember before obama was even president most of this stuff you listed has been going on for years even before the democrates controlled the senate or congress and even the white house?

Not at all, but it is pointless to try to hold prior administrations responsible for what they have done at this point. It is much more constructive to look at what the current administration is doing, try to dissuade them from continuing the bad policies, and try to dissuade other citizens from turning a blind eye to those policies and supporting them while voting and thinking according to party lines.

Despite all this lets not totally derail the topic anymore...

If the topic is dedicated to condemning the tea party based on misinformation then major party allegiance among citizens and the media, and the misinformation that is spread as a result of that allegiance, is at the core of the topic.
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You made it pretty clear in your other threads that you support one party and oppose the other. The illegal practices that the supported party have condoned include:


-Drone strike assassinations against American citizens suspected but not convicted of crimes, a denial of their right to due process

-Domestic wiretapping without probable cause or legal authority

-Circumvention of constitutional authority through executive orders

-Selling illegal weapons to drug cartels

-Violations of the Logan Act (several instances, but all are debatable in their legality)


The unethical, but perhaps not illegal, acts would include:

-Increased military spending

-Increased foreign militarism and imperialism

-Increased loss of life and limb among civilians who are victims of our militarism

-continuation of ineffective, wasteful, and statistically racist drug prohibition policies

-demonstrated tolerance for executive financial crime


These are just short lists that came off the top of my head. If one were to really compile a comprehensive version of either list it would grow quite long.


OMG! you got me Troaches... All of this stuff you listed is all "my" parties fault... ;D /sarcasm


Just to let you know I've honestly been a registered republican my whole life.


I mean come on seriously you put all this blame on one specific political party?


Do you even remember before obama was even president most of this stuff you listed has been going on for years even before the democrates controlled the senate or congress and even the white house?


Despite all this lets not totally derail the topic anymore... If you want to start your own debates about these issue you say are all "my" parties fault go ahead... would be interesting...




Your entire argument is based on the actions and causes of two distinct individuals who you attempt to paint an entire separate group of individuals with. it is an invalid argument to begin with since the only person you've implicated as being anti-gay is miss King and she is supposedly being contacted by another individual who does not speak for anyone except himself. The Tea party is a political movement not a social movement. How can anyone derail a topic who at it's best is absurd and fallacious.

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The Tea party is a political movement not a social movement. How can anyone derail a topic who at it's best is absurd and fallacious.


If the Tea Party is a political movement and not a social movement, why is there so many people in legislative power who are tea party advocates that push for social legislation against abortion rights, gays and lesbians, equality in the work place, and immigration?

Edited by colourwheel
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If the Tea Party is a political movement and not a social movement, why is there so many people in legislative power who are tea party advocates that push for social legislation against abortion rights, gays and lesbians, equality in the work place, and immigration?


Because advocating portions of the tea party's philosophy does not exclude one from holding an opposing view with regards to other aspects of politics. One of the tea party's founders is gay and is opposed to gay marriage. I don't agree with him on that, but his opinion on that particular issue does not equate to a organization-wide opposition to gay marriage. I am not aware of the tea party ever opposing anyone's access to civil rights on any issue at an organization-wide level. Their focus is on economic and political policy, not social politics, and if anything they advocate real civil rights to a much greater extent than either of the major parties.

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Because advocating portions of the tea party's philosophy does not exclude one from holding an opposing view with regards to other aspects of politics. One of the tea party's founders is gay and is opposed to gay marriage. I don't agree with him on that, but his opinion on that particular issue does not equate to a organization-wide opposition to gay marriage. I am not aware of the tea party ever opposing anyone's access to civil rights on any issue at an organization-wide level. Their focus is on economic and political policy, not social politics, and if anything they advocate real civil rights to a much greater extent than either of the major parties.


Tea Party groups may not put gay marriage issues on their platforms, but they are very clear about who should regulate the legalizing or banning of gay marriage.

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TRoaches I find your list above of unethical practices very refreshing. I'm not well versed in the legality of things, but I am human and can identify the ethicality of things.


Those are the types of arguments that can (or should) rally a population to debate the size and scope of government or open up the debate further.


It seems the real tragedy here is television and those that misuse their ability to gain a large audience for their own purpose.

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Who do they believe should have that power?


It's obvious from looking back at even the last half decade, people who will bann gay marriage, abolish abortion, tear down pay equity, and stop immigration in our country.



Who do you believe should have that power?


If you ask me, it shouldn't even be an issue of who should have that power reguardless of religious or personal beliefs. It should be a non- issue all together for people to marry someone of the same sex, have the right to an abortion, be paid equally in the work place, and let immigration in america thrive...


If the Tea Party wants to become a more popular movement they need to stop putting people in office who push for these types of social agendas, other wise the tea party will die in the long run when it seems to only be attracting a majority of old white males, regaurdless of it's original cause or purpose..

Edited by colourwheel
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