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Ghoulish, no friendly ghouls


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There is a work around that may help, it does require you to be on a PC to use console commands. I do not know the ID form number which should be easy to track down on the Fallout 4 wiki. This allows you to make any group friendly or on the flip side hostile. I believe that if you pick one group of ghoul's or raiders or settlers and enter the hostile option, that it applies to all in game. It can be used on things like Deathclaws and other creatures as well. Sorry but off the top of my head this is all I can think of. Your search term would be "Fallout 4 console commands" These are links to several that may help. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=564770571 - https://falloutcheats.com/ I hope this helps.

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Console command, try : 00077C6C.addtofaction 001D33E6 0


In theory that adds the FeralGhoulFaction to the Ghoulish03PerkExclusionFaction, which is the faction used to specify things that should not be friendly (like bosses).


Test that, if it works be quick to bang out an ESL.

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