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Fog/distance problems


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I searched for this and couldnt find it. Anyways, I dont know how it happened but for some reason, the view distance cutoff is just a straight line, and it should be faded in with fog or something.


This is what it should be:



And here is two examples of what it now looks like:




I dont know if you have to change something in the Morrowind.ini or something else. And sorry the pics are so small...



*EDIT* I just relized, this is in the wrong forum, can a moderator move it to Technical Support plz?

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Go to 'options' and go to 'video.' Crank up the 'draw distance' scroller. If you have a good machine, there should be no problem running a long draw distance. Do you have a mod to remove fog or something?
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No, I just have mods on that restexure the NPC's bodies (as well as my own), a sound one, and a few re texturing faces and the land. I also have the mulit-teleporting mod, but its never messed it up before... ANyways, I talked to Switch and he sent me his Morrowind.ini and it got fixed. Thank you for te help though, and thank you Peregrine for moving it.
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