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CK lighting problem (I MUST be doing something wrong)

Lord Garon

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I can get around in the CK and pretty much tweak the game to my personal preferences.


Now I'm thinking of adding some interiors and I cannot figure out the relationship between CK render window lighting results and in-game lighting. I'm becoming dependent upon ambient levels in the interior, but that is very boring.


Are there any settings or ini tweaks to make the two scenarios anymore "alike"? It will, for instance, look perfect in the render window, but will usually be very dark in-game. I mix and match kit meshes; are the kits meant for a particular lighting series or type?


Even a good lighting tutorial; google justs sends me to the CK wiki, which hasn't helped much.




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"Edit" an interior cell and go to lighting section - here it'll state lighting values which are normally a combination of cell-specific data and (partial) borrowed data from lighting templates. You'll also need to check / edit imagespace settings too, which again the cell data will tell you which IS is in use.

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